Answers With Decisions

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Out in the chilly day, the fans talked among themselves about the chance they got to see their idols. When suddenly, Jos pops out of the blue and ask them, "Have any of you seen a woman in a Navy blue dress?"

They were starstruck by this moment and his presence. "It's Jos Valenti." One of the girls said in shock.

"Yes, but have you seen the lady I've described?" Jos asked again.

"Uh... y-yeah. S-she happened to go t-that w-way. I uh... I heard something about the s-subway." Another girl said and shakily pointed down the street.

"Thank you." Jos said and left immediately. They just couldn't belive what had just happened. They were just in such shocking state that they only saw him run and disappear in the distance.

Sofia ran down the street, looking everywhere for a women in a Blue dress. As she didn't spot any in that moment, she began to run even faster.

At that moment, Gianluca happened to be driving down the street and noticed someone running down the street like crazy. "Is that... Valenti?" He frowned as he noticed her go down the stairway of the subway station.

Sofia just slide down the stairway of the subway and kept running. She had then spotted a woman in a blue dress and pulled her arm. "Um, hi I'm Jos Valenti." She panted.

"Get away! You strange punk." The lady said and just left. Sofia was getting upset and began to jump over the ticket scanner to head over to the now boarding subway.

She looked inside the subway but to her luck she didn't find the woman in the blue dress anywhere. She sighed and noticed some girls looking very close at him. "Is that Jos Valenti from Il Volo?"

The girls asked but she ignored and tried to search far ahead for this woman. "It is!?" A crowd was now forming and she suddenly got pulled by her hoodie. She turned around and noticed it was GIanluca. He just took her hand and pulled her out from the subway before the girls began to make a scene.

"No." Sofia said as she yanked her hand away from his grip. He looked at her through his sunglasses and frowned. "I need to find someone."

"Go ahead but I suggest you don't. Look around, you are already recognized and they won't let you out." Gianluca said. Sofia looked at the now shouting girls around them and sighed. He took the moment to just drag her out from this place. Gianluca put Sofia in his car and drove back to the studio.

Once there he took the time to talk with her just before they had to continue with their scheduled day. "You know, when I saw this picture I felt so happy for once. I thought that my mother was the one who sent me this so that I could remember her and know that she is out there looking up at me and my brother." Sofia said as she looked at the envelope in her hands. "I don't know if she really is our mother but I feel that I am fulfilling a long lost dream. I don't want to get disappointed when I find out who she is. I only care on having any kind od news from her."

Gianluca just looked at her with a bit of pity as she just stared out in the blue. She turned to look at him and asked, "Do you think she'll come back? I mean, she did send me this and did say that she will be here."

He looked at how she was hugging that letter against her chest with so much love. "So what are you going to do now?" He finally spoke.

She looked back at him again and said, "Excuse me?"

"Yeah. You won't be here by the time that this lady comes back." He stopped as he noticed her confused face. "What? Did you forget you were leaving today?"

"Look Gian.. can I call you Gian?" He nodded and she kept on, "Gian, I may be able to find my mother now..."

"Don't say another word. I don't like depressing people, specially when they are somewhere where they know they don't belong in and feel unhappy." Gianluca said in a bit of an annoyed tone.

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