Boy Drama

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Sofia stood facing the white wooden door. As she waited she fixed the wig and the glassed that, thanks to Piero and Gianluca, had bought before arriving to Sarah's house.

The door finally opened and she looked up. "Sofy! Oh my God!" Sarah said and jumped at her, hugging her tightly.

"Sarah! Ohhh!" Sofia only said and she hugged her back.

"Come in, come in, it's too chilly out here. I'm baking some cookies so you arrived at the perfect time!" Sarah said and moved out from her way.

Sofia nodded and went inside the warm and cozy house. The new house her best friend had moved with her boyfriend. "Get that thing off your head and face. You're good here. This neighborhood it's quite nice. You should come and live over here too."

Sofia left her coat in the entrance and walked inside the cabin looking house. She did feel at home after a long time. "Yeah, I can see. Hey so where is the future brother-in-law?"

"We aren't married you know. We just moved in together." Sarah said and entered the kitchen.

"Wow! This place looks like a hunter lives here." Sofia said and the design of the kitchen was... Unique.

"Shut it girl. We're taking everything down soon and make it more cool. This house was cheap, and with Josh's friend help, we'll make it less creepy." Sarah said and laughed as she took the cookie tray out the oven.

"I need those now." Sofia said as she got near the cookies.

"I know. That's why I made them. I heard you so different over the phone last night. And I'm glad you took some time to come." Sarah said.

"Is it that obvious?" Sofia asked and Sarah nodded. After a few minutes, the front door opened and Josh came in.

"I'm home! Hey, why is there a red car outside in the driveway?" He asked as he appeared in the kitchen door.

"Josh!" Sofia shouted and ran to hug him.

"My little stress ball!" He shouted to and hugged her tightly. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with your Richy Rich Italian boys?"

Sofia laughed and shook her head. "I need a day away from them."

"In that case you came to the right place. Are you staying for dinner?" Josh asked.

"Yeah. I might stay for the night, I still don't know."

"Stay. Please!" Sarah said. She turned around and smiled at her.

"Maybe if I tell you what has been going on, I'll have a better answer." Sofia said and went to stand next to her best friend. They hugged for a while and said, "I'll help you out."

The rest of the day consisted on a small tour around the new house and a catch-up with Sarah and Josh's life. The day had past by quickly that none of them knew at what time it had gotten dark.

"Okay, but really. There's something bothering you and it's not all the awesome benefits of being famous." Josh said and he sat up and leaned against the sofa.

They were now eating the cookies Sarah had made with milk near the fireplace. Blankets were laid everywhere and pillows had been thrown throughout the entire living room.


"Boy drama. This is going to be good." Sarah interrupted her as she said this to Josh.

"I smell it." He replied.

"Guys!" Sofia shouted.

"Come on then. Spill it!" Both said in chorus. Sofia laughed at how intrigued they were. She calmed down a bit and hugged one of the pillows that were near her. "All of them know I'm a girl."

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