Not Just A Party

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"Jos. Gianluca. What are you guys doing?" Piero asked as he opened the door.

Gianluca and Jos looked surprised and agitated as if they had been running away from some maniac.

"He was... uh."

"I just gave him a hug. We both needed it. It's been a long day." Sofia quickly replied. She then faked her yawn and said, "I'm going to bed. I'm so tired. Night Piero!" And quickly left.

"I should go get ready for bed too." Gianluca said and followed Sofia. Piero just looked at both leaving up the stairway and then closed the door.
He felt disappointed and said, "I told her to be cool, but just not that way."

*30 minutes later*

"Good night Gianluca." Sofia said as she wrapped herself with the covers in the floor.

"Good..." He stopped as he exit the bathroom and saw how she had to wrap herself with three blankets even though the sleeping bag was in the bottom. "Night. Um Sofia?"

"Yeah?" She peaked her face out the blankets and Gianluca chuckled.

"Tonight, I'll let you sleep on the other side of my bed. BUT! Stay in your side PLEASE! It'll be more cold tonight and I don't want you to catch a cold." He said and went to lay down on the bed.

Sofia sat up and frowned. "Are you sure? I'm fine down here, anyways I can just grab another blanket."

"No. Come." He tapped the other side of him and she just got up with her pillow and one of the blankets. "Wait." He said as she stopped before laying down.

Gian placed two pillows in the middle and then said, "That's your side. You stay there." Sofia smiled and nodded, quickly jumping in the bed and snuggling in it.

"Aaaaah! It's warm and squichy." She stretched in the bed and squeaked a bit.

Gianluca laughed at hearing her do the noises. "Come on you squeaky bear. Time to sleep. Good night." He turned on the nightstand lamp as the lights of the room were off.

"Night Gian" She last said and closed her eyes. That night, both had a smile on their face as they slept nice and warmly.

*Next morning*

"I forgive you Miss Valenti." Gianluca said as Sofia's aunt apologized for opening the package in person.

"Oh what a relief! I thought you weren't going to accept my apology." She said and left the kitchen room, leaving him with Piero, Ignazio, Sofia and Gabriel eating their breakfast.

"Okay let me see that." Ignazio said as he saw the poster and the stickers of them in front of Sofia.

"I wish I could be there too." Sofia said while looking at it closely now.

"Oh you'll be soon! And on the stickers too." Gabriel said.

"Which one is your favorite?" Ignazio asked Jos as he pointed at the stickers.

"Hmm. I heard that Gianluca's was the most wanted." She answered.

"But what's YOUR personal favorite?" Piero asked.

"Who do you like the most?" Ignazio asked again.

"Ummm..." All the three of them now turned to look and hear closely at Jos's decision. "From them all I like this one." She rose the sticker and smiled.

"Ugh! Why Piero's?" Ignazio whined. Gianluca then glared at her and turned to grab some toast.

Meanwhile, Piero couldn't avoid from smiling widely and proudly at the choice she did.

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