To The Ball

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Sarah's POV:

Today was the day! First thing I did was breakfast because I was in a good mood. I tend to never do the breakfast because I always woke up late, but today... today was special since the minute I woke up. After breakfast, I headed up to the top floor to gather some supplies I needed for my small canvas project.

Yes, I was studying art and my good friend Sofia was helping me with my career. We had been renting a condo with two and a half floors. I say half because the top floor had a small extra room in the farthest top corner. That now, happened to be my art room.

I noticed that Sofia wasn't going to get up early so I picked up my plate and washed it. I came up the small swirly stairway and got in my wonderful art room. I got all the paint and supplies in a small box to do this downstairs but saw a blank medium sized canvas laying in the far corner of the room. I walked to it and stared at it blankly.

"It's perfect!" I shouted and left the box of supplies down to do a painting on this canvas. I began mixing the paint and gathered everything for today's masterpiece. I put some music on and began.

Sofia's POV:

I walked out my room and down the stairway. I noticed that the table was set with a big breakfast and coffee. I took some toast and took a bite out of it. As I was going to get some fruit, I heard a loud bang. I looked up and noticed that Sarah was in her art room, so I decided to go up and check if she was alright.

Once I got in the room, I saw her mixing some paint and washing her brush in a cup. I got closer and saw what she was doing. I guess her inner ballerina came out as she had sketched some ballerina slippers. She then got the colors ready and stayed there staring at it to see where she was going to start painting.

"If I were you, I would put that pink you just did in this area and over there." I suddenly said and pointed with my pinky as I had my toast in that same hand.

"Argh!... Don't sneek up on me like that! And don't put your toast all over my painting!" She said as she was clearly scared to death.

"Hahaha." I laughed so hard at her.

"Stop it you crazy hair." She said and I immediately stuck my tongue out. "Ew!"

"What? I just got up." I said and looked back at her painting. "That's pretty good."

"Thanks. I suddenly felt inspired." She said proudly. "Wanna join?"

"Oh no thanks. I've got other things to do before tonight. Oh! That reminds me. At what time do you want to go and pick Josh up?" I asked.

"Um... about that. Josh told me that he had rented a limousine for us two only. But this was before he knew how many tickets they were giving away." She shrugged as she said this.


"So you're going to drive. No! But! I don't want you to be drinking and driving so I've ordered a cab for you to take you to the ball." She said excitedly.

"So you're leaving before me to this party?" I asked.

"Um, actually. I'm going over to Josh's house and fix up some stuff he told me to help him out with. And well... I'm going to take the entire day so I'm taking everything to get ready over at his place." She put her little 'I'm sorry' face. I raised my eyebrow and stayed there looking at her. "Oh I'm sorry! But we can meet up in the ball."

"How am I supposed to find you two as both are wearing masks?" I said to test her a bit.

"Huh? Don't be stupid! Just text us you dummy!" She said and began painting.

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