Lost and Found

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Gianluca happened to be looking at the interview being made to his so called father on his IPhone. "I wonder what woman he is referring to." He said in a low voice as his headphones were plugged in. He happened to be riding to the festival with the rest but everyone was busy doing something else.

Gian decided to stop watching this interview and took off his headphones and laid his head back to try and relax. "Okay guys! The rehearsals for the festival will start at 2pm. We will be located in Area B, closer to the stage. Everyone better follow the stylists and Barbara's instructions." Gabriel announced.

Their van got to the destination of the festival and parked. Everyone got off safely until Ignazio began to shout, "Oh my god! It's Martina! Hey!" and ran towards her. Her van had also parked across from them and she only smiled at Ignazio.

"Aii..." Ignazio stopped in front of her and got shy all of a sudden. "I heard you were going to be hosting the online show. Is that right?" He asked Martina. She only nodded to him as he kept talking, "Could you say nice things about our group when you introduce us?"

Martina chuckled and nodded once again. "Umm.. oh god. I'm a really nice fan of you. And I also look forward for your special performance." Ignazio said too timid like ever before.

"Of course! Please don't worry about anything. And I'm also a big fan of your music." Martina finally spoke. "Ignazio right?" She said and he nodded happily.

She looked back away from him and noticed the rest of the Il Volo group. "And you are Piero Barone. And you are the new member of Il Volo, Jos Valenti is that right?" She pointed at them and both Jos and Piero nodded.

Once she noticed Gianluca, she became totally serious. Gianluca gave her the get away glare and she did too. "And him.." She pointed at Gian and leaned in her hip, "Uh, what's his name again. Sorry, I can't remember."
Gianluca only shrunk his eyes at her in disbelief. "Wait, you can't remember Gianluca's name? He's kind of our leader." Ignazio said immediately. Gianluca rolled his eyes from her and decided to look away.

"Ah! I'm sorry for not remembering your name. Well I must go now, I will see you guys later then. Ciao!" Martina said and waved back at all of them but once she got to GIanluca, she decided to turn around and leave.
"Who does she think she is? Definitely not the nice model. She's so childish." Gianluca said as he saw her leave. Jos only looked up at him and frowned. They all just decided to go in to get ready for the festival too.

*A few minutes later*

Gabriel had suddenly gotten a call and he answered, it happened to be that the security check was about to begin, when suddenly the other person had said that there was a lady looking for Jos. He didn't hesitate and went to tell Sofia about it. "I need to go see if it's really her." Sofia said as Gabriel took her hand and kept her from leaving the room.

"No, you can't!"

"Why not?"

"You're about to perform! Look, let's take this slowly and think about it." Gabriel tried to make her understand.

"But, then what do I do?"

"What I can do is go and hold her while you go and get ready for your first performance okay? Concentrate on it for now, not on this lady. We will have plenty of time to know about her and talk with her too." Gabriel said so that Sofia could relax.

"Okay, but please let me know if anything happens." She said.

"Okay, I'll text you so don't worry. You go back and get dressed." Gabriel said and began to run down to go get this lady. "Remember Area B!" He last shout over his shoulder.

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