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*At Sony Studios*

"Hey. You're just going to tell Michele that Gianluca didn't hit you okay? This will calm him down a bit, don't you think?" Gabriel said as both him and Sofia entered the Sony building.

"Obviously, I have to tell him the truth." Sofia said a bit lazily.

"Jos Valenti?" A man asked from one of the benches on the waiting area. He got up and walked towards Gabriel and Sofia. "You must be Jos Valenti." He said as he came up to them. Gabriel stopped him before he began to ask all his questions. He knew he was a reporter due to the jacket and the camera in his hands.

"And who do you happen to be?" Gabriel asked even though he knew the reporter part.

"Ah! Yes. Here you go." He took out a card and gave it to Gabriel. "My name is James but everyone knows me as The Reporter. I work for People Magazine as you can see, as a reporter." He smiled.

"Mr. James, we don't want to be rude but we can't give you an interview at the moment. We are in a bit of a hurry, so if you excuse us." Gabriel said. Sofia looked at him in awe as he was taking this so naturally.

"Oh it's quick! I just wanted to ask if you have seen the gossip on the internet." The Reporter said.

"No we haven't sorry. But we don't have the time to be on the internet." Gabriel said as he turned around and took Sofia's hand.

"It's really not a big deal for you guys, but in the video that's everywhere by now, it seems that Mr. Gianluca Ginoble and Jos Valenti, here present, had been in some kind of a fight. And it pretty sure shows that they just don't get along." The Reporter said with a wicked smiled.

Sofia looked up at this reporter and frowned. James noticed and asked, "Are you sure that this wasn't true?" He then gasped as he noticed that She was wearing a bandage on her head. "Jos, you're hurt!" He immediately brought his camera up to take a picture of it but Gabriel blocked the view.

"No he's not." Gabriel said as he tried to move along with the reporter's moves to catch a picture of Jos.

"Did someone hit you? Was it Gianluca?" James asked as he gave up on snapping a picture.

"No!" Sofia answered in surprise. At that same moment, right behind them, Gianluca happen to be walking inside the building. The reporter noticed him and called him out. "Gianluca! Gianluca hit you didn't he?"

Sofia turned as she noticed that the reporter wasn't looking at her. Gianluca sure was standing there, with a really mad face. "No! I said that Gianluca didn't hit me." Sofia repeated. But James only smirked even more wickedly.

Gianluca just turned around and exit he building, avoiding to hear what was happening. "Uh huh. I see." The Reporter said and just nodded. "I will write that down."

"Yes, please do." Sofia said in a rapid response.

*Meanwhile with fans*

"What is this? It's says here that Gianluca hit Jos!" One of the girls said.

" 'Even though Jos Valenti denied that Gianluca had hit him, when it was clearly that Jos seemed wounded, he said that nothing happened between them.' " Another fan girl read the article outloud. The other one smacked the desk and got up angrily.

"It's obvious that Jos Valenti is the troublemaker here and caused all this scandal just to get our attention. Oh you got it. But WE don't like you." She said.

"Jos Valenti, we want you out! Go away Jos!" A crowd of angry girls shouted and protested outside Sony Studios.

From the top of the building, out in the fresh air, Sofia and Gabriel looked down at the furious fangirls. "Now that I get on Twitter, the most twitted thing is you. Then the #Gianlucagoesmad hashtag while the third thing is just something about tacos." Gabriel said as he scrolled down his Twitter account. "Don't you think this is kind of good? Everyone has you as the center of attention."

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