Mystery Guy #2: Mr. Phantom

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Sofia's POV:

I found the table where Sarah and Josh were sitting and speed walked to it. I quickly took the chair out from under the table and let myself fall in it.

"Woah! So you're back already?" Sarah asked. I turned to look at her with a blank expression. "Um, did something happen? Because you sure look... well... you look happy for once."

"Really? I look happy?" I asked.

"Actually you're blushing a lot. I swear I never knew you had pink cheeks." Josh said. I quickly touched my cheeks and they were really hot.

"Well, I danced... and it was intense." I simply said. I grabbed my cup and saw that I still had a little bit of my drink left and chugged it down.

"Yeah. Heck it was intense. And about that, where were you? We couldn't see you. You were totally out of our sight." Sarah said.

"Well, this total stranger and I froze as we heard this song. So... yeah we were slowly slipping away but ended up dancing anyways cuz we were going to look like fools in the dance floor." I replied. "I need another drink. You guys want something?" I asked. They looked at each other like if I had said or done something strange. "What?"

"Nothing. Can you bring a bottle of champagne? I feel like drinking champagne out of a sudden." Sarah said as she changed up subject.

"Alright. I'll be right back." I said and went to the bar. I really needed to cool off. That man sure knew how to make me blush.

Piero's POV:

"IGNAZIO!?" Gianluca and I shouted as this other song began to play. It was one of those happy waltz dances. As he heard the song play, he threw his hands over and threw all the cups in the table. Spilling everything, including the opened champagne bottle.

"Ugh! Ignazio, that wasn't necessary." Gianluca said as he and I began to clean up the table.

"Here. This will do." I said as I handed him all the napkins available in the table. Thank goodness we had the entire table to ourselves.

"Yeah. Hey, take these cups and empty bottle to the bar and bring new ones. I'll stay here cleaning up a bit. Nazio, help me." Gianluca said. I nodded and took the cups and bottle and walked around the dance floor as people were dancing.

I arrived at the huge bar across from the ballroom itself and found a spot to go stand by and get attended. I put the glass cups and bottle in the bar and waited until one of the waitors turned towards me. "Sir?" I asked to one of the waitors that passed by me.

"I'll be with you in a second sir." He said and I only leaned against the bar. I didn't see where I put my arm to rest and I knocked off two cups. "Oh my god!" I said, quickly picking them up.

Sofia's POV:

I turned to my left since I heard some glass cups fall beside me. "Oh my god!" The man beside said. I turned my body and helped him clean up a bit the area since one of the cups still had some drink.

"Oh it's okay. It didn't get any on me, don't worry." I said.

"Oh!" He sighed and cleaned the counter. "Good. But are you sure I didn't get any on you?" He asked again. I chuckled and shook my head.

"No really. I'm fine." I said and he finished cleaning the small area.

"I'm really sorry." He said once more.

"It's alright." I said with a smile and he did the same afterwards. I looked at the bottle he had and asked, "Is that a good champagne?"

"Huh?" He looked at his empty bottle and said, "Oh! Yes. It is really good. I didn't come here to get another one because my friends and I finished."

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