Let's Talk

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Gianluca was home and had completed the entire song. He saved it in a CD and wrote the title of it down with a sharpie. He finally leaned back in his chair and began wondering if Sofia was asleep.

He took his phone and called her, even if his room was a few steps away. "Are you asleep?" Gianluca asked after he heard her answer.

"I'm just tired. It was a long day for me." Sofia said through the phone.

"Okay you get some rest. See you tomorrow then." Gianluca said and hung up. "Oh now I'm not letting her sleep." He immediately got up and went over to her room.

He noticed she was laying in her bed so he went over and jumped in her bed. "Get. Up. Sleepy. Head!" Gian shouted and he jumped beside her.

"Why!? I told you I'm tired and I want to sleep." She said tiredly.

"No. The night is young so let's get you in some decent clothes to blend in." Gianluca said.

"Blend in? Where are you dragging me to?" Sofia asked a she rubbed her eyes and sat up.

"A picnic." Gianluca said and chuckled.

She turned to face him and frowned, "You're crazy."

"Yes. For you." He said and laid a kiss on her forehead.

Both got in regular clothes and walked their way down the streets of New York. Neither said anything as they were enjoying each other's company along the walk. They got to the Little Italy part of the city and Gianluca went down an alley.

"Are you going to murder me now?" Sofia broke the silence and Gianluca busted out laughing.

"I would kidnap you so bad, but we have duties to do tomorrow." Gianluca said and walked down some rock stairs. She followed him until he stopped. She noticed the place they were going down, specially when Gianluca walked straight inside an apartment building.

Her apartment building. "Um... Gian?"

"What? Just follow me." Gianluca said over his shoulder. They walked up the stairs on the side to avoid seeing anyone in the elevator.

Both got to the rooftop and there was a small table with some candles and plates. Sofia's eyes widen at the bottom sight. "Gian, what's this?" She asked.

"A little apologizing dinner for you. I have so many things I have to say to you. So I thought we could discuss it over some food." Gianluca said and lead her over her seat.

They ate and talked away like the wind. They confessed their true feelings and both were happy they were in the same terms.

"That was delightful Gian. Thank you." Sofia said.

"You deserved it." Gianluca grinned. Sofia stretched back and noticed that there was a clear sky.

"Woah! The sky is so gorgeous." She said and Gianluca looked up too. "There's so many stars."

"I can't see the stars. I only see the moon." Gianluca said. Both now walked over to the rail where the moon shined on top of them.

"You know, the stars are everywhere. They're not just in the sky, I have a star in my shirt. Oh and in my sweater too, see?" Sofia said and pointed at the stars she was finding.

Gianluca laughed as she dragged him over to a glass window by the small greenhouse to their right and blew hot air. Sofia drew a star and showed it to him. "See? Here's a star too." She smiled and so did Gian.

"Thanks for showing me the stars Sofia." Gianluca said and walked over to her.

"So I guess that wherever you go, there always be stars near you. You know, even if I leave far away from here, I will always think of you while looking at the stars." Sofia said sadly.

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