Mystery Guy #1: Provocative One

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Gianluca's POV:

It was 9:30pm and Piero and Ignazio had been dancing since "Sorry" by Justin Bieber began playing. Which I think that was like ten songs ago. I had to say, this masquerade party was really nice to be in. Everyone was enjoying the night like the Dj said. Right now the song "In The Night" by, I believe it was, The Weeknd was playing.

Piero and Ignazio were dancing so into this song. It was funny seeing them dance right now since Ignazio was snapping his fingers to the beat of the song and his legs did these weird wiggling moves. Even though his mask was blocking my way for seeing his eyes from my distance, I was sure that his eyes were closed and he was 'feeling' the song.

While Piero, he stood with his legs opened widely as he moved his butt sideways, almost as if he was going to do a hip thrust any moment. And his hands were straight down his sides while making fists. He was also 'feeling' the song as his chin was pointing out and his mouth was pressed.

I only shook my head and drank my cup of sparkling champagne. I hadn't dance a song since this party began but I did enjoyed seeing everyone dancing. I mean, I was sitting down but I looked at the moves they did as I don't know how to dance much. Specially some of these songs.

Everything was going nice until I turned slightly to the right. A girl caught my eye. She sat in the opposite side of the ballroom, in the table right across from ours. She was alone, bobbing her head at the beat of the song too. Her beautiful masquerade moved with her too, making her look even more stunning.

Sofia's POV:

The song ended and I clapped just like those who were dancing did too. Everyone was going back to their seats and clearing out the dance floor. Sarah and Josh had a huge smile in their faces as they came to sit down. "Oh my god! You need to go out there and dance a song!" Sarah said to me.

"I'm fine. It's nice seeing everyone dancing, I don't have to dance anyways." I said and sat up, leaning against the table cross handed. The song "Rattle" by Bingo Players began to play but the mic sound interrupted a little second of it.

"How is everyone doing so far?!" The announcer asked. The crowd cheered but then he yelled, "I said, how is everyone doing so faaarr!?!?!" Almost everyone cheered even louder. "Now that's what I want to hear! Now, we'll be slowing things up a notch. These following songs are going to be taking a few genre changes and the rhythm will be slowing down too as we will began to slowly start the slow songs. But before that, I am leaving you with this hot song. For this one, I want for those who came with no partner to go and search for a nice girl and take her to the dance floor! I'll give everyone a few minutes before I come back and announce the song."

"Ugh! Those slow songs are going to begin. What a lame thing." I said.

"You shouldn't be whining. You haven't even gone out to dance one of these cool songs." Sarah said.

"Well I don't want to." I said back.

"Hey Sarah. Maybe she'll be taken out to dance by someone for this song." Josh said while pointing at me with his chin and to the dance floor with his head.

"If I was sitting next to you, I would be punching your arm until it falls." I said.

"Oh come on! If that happens you should definitely go. Look, we'll go with you okay?" Sarah said.

"Yeah right. You guys have been dancing since like the first song this Dj played." I said as I saw their drinks almost gone.

"Yeah, and? We are enjoying the party, unlike others." Sarah said and widen her eyes at me.

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