Dress Shopping

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Sofia's POV:

"We are in our tenth store and we still haven't found a dress. "Sarah, let's just stop for some lunch please!" I begged her as we walked down the main street of the mall.

"Fine! Let's get something to eat then we'll go to those dress shops around the mall, okay?" Sarah said.

"Are you serious?" I asked. "We've been dress hunting for the past four hours!"

"Oh stop whining! Let's go feed you first then we continue." Sarah said annoyed a bit and I smirked. We got ourselves some Chinese food and soft drinks. We had only ordered one plate for both since they always serve a lot to go, so we shared it.

After eating the big plate I said, "I don't think we should of eaten a lot. We'll be struggling with the dresses even more now."

"Ugh! True, but who cares, at least they'll be fitting us a bit more comfortable." Sarah said as she dumped the trash. "Come on. We need to find the perfect dress today."

We went to the parking lot and found my car. We got in and began driving to the nearest dress shop. "To all this dress stuff... why are we going to buy them if we are just going to use it once?"

"What? Look if you want you can come and return it because I don't think they'll let you rent it. Or if that's not a good choice, then you can either sell it online or keep it to use it for Halloween." Sarah said. She always knew what to say. I chuckled and shook my head.

"Unbelievable." I simply said.

"Those are just suggestions from me. Gesh! Be happy that you're coming with me and I'm dragging you around. I bet if I let you dress shop for the ball you would of bought something ridiculous."

"What?! I don't buy ridiculous things! What are you talking about?" I said a bit in shock.

"Hehe I just wanted to see you're reaction. Hey pull over here." Sarah said.

"You and your not so funny jokes." I said as I turned right to get in a small shopping center. There were at least three dress shops here so I was actually hoping we find these stupid dresses right here.

We went inside to this huge store, it looked like if it was a warehouse for dresses due to the immense number of dress shelfs. "We are definitely finding our dress here." Sarah said as was looked around the place.

"Hi! Welcome to Anika's. My name is Sky and I will be around if you need any help." A girl told us as we stood by the entrance.

"Thank you miss." I said and began pushing Sarah. "Come on let's go look around."

"No wait." Sarah said to me and turned to talk with the girl, "Actually could you help us with something?" She asked the girl.

"Of course. What could I do for you?" Sky asked.

"Well we are looking for a dress to wear to a ball party. I don't know if you have this type of gowns here?" Sarah asked.

"We do but what kind of style are you looking for?"

"Um I want a bit of a modern looking dress, but not too modern. Something with an old fashioned touch. I don't know if you know what I mean." Sarah said.

"I do. Actually we just got more of those ball gowns just yesterday. If you come with me I'll show you." We followed her through the store and as we did this I took Sarah's arm and whispered, "Old fashioned touch? Really?"

"What? It's what I'm looking for. I don't know about you." She said with a smile in her face.

"Here we are. This entire section is for the night gowns and also the section right behind you. The fitting rooms are right over there and there will be someone helping you girls out." Sky said. "If you need anything else, don't bother asking." She gave us a smile and left.

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