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"You're... You're a girl? All this time... YOU'VE BEEN A GIRL!" Ignazio shouted at Sofia. He couldn't contain the anger inside any longer that he finally exploded.

"I'm s-sorry Igna." She stuttered and looked up at him slowly.

"Jos... I didn't imagine this coming from you. You even had me accepting I was g..." He stopped in mid sentence and took a step forward. Ignazio wiped his eyes and put both of his hands on her shoulders.

Sofia got scared as to what he might do. Even Piero and Gianluca thought he would do something wicked... But everyone was wrong.

Suddenly, his frown and enraging eyes became a smile and joy. "You're a girl! Oh my! Jos I'm freaking happy!" He shouted.

Sofia's eyes widen just as Gian and Piero also reacted. He jumped in place and was about to hug her but both Gianluca and Piero pulled him away from her. "I now understand everything! It's just more clear!" He kept saying. "Gian, pinch me! Tell me this isn't a dream!"

"Calm down Igna." Piero said. Gianluca looked back at Sofia and said, "I'm guessing that everyone will keep this as a secret. Now, we need to solve this problem. Jos."

Sofia was frozen in her spot once more. She couldn't speak nor move, it was as if she just got hypnotized by the moment. "Sofia... Ugh forget her." Gianluca said and looked back at a strange acting Ignazio.

"This is a dream right? Or it isn't? Ha! Jos is a girl!" Ignazio kept saying. Piero tried to calm him down but he still acted up.

"I don't like his behavior. Piero, call Michele and Barbara. We must go on with the presentation." Gianluca said and glanced once more over to Sofia.

*Outside in the ballroom*

"Did he know that was Jos? What if he humiliates her? God! I shouldn't be worried about this." Martina told herself as she paced around her assigned table.


"This fits you perfectly! See? Black always fits everyone." Barbara said to the person that sat facing the window.

I had barged in the condo to give Gianluca the surprise that I was back before time. But I was the one who got a surprise.

The door to Jos's room was a creek opened so I peaked in. Barbara was fixing a girl up in Jos's room. 'That must be Jos's girlfriend.' I thought but I was wrong.

The person in the chair stood up and faced Barbara. I gasped loudly but quickly coveted my mouth with my hands as my suspicions from way before had been confirmed.

It wasn't Jos's girlfriend... It was Jos himself, or should I say herself. "I feel like if a unicorn threw up on me." Jos said as SHE pointed at her big gown.

"You look spectacular. Okay, we have the dress figured out now the last touch. Make up." Barbara said and turned to grab a bag.

I thought I was going to get caught as she suddenly turned my way but I pushed myself against the wall. 'So Jos IS a girl. Hmmm... What if I give him a double surprise?'

I smiled and quietly exited the condo, making my way to my house and get ready for a spectacular night... At least for me.

*end of flashback*

"No. I must stick to what I said. I'm getting that Jos girl out myself." Martina stomped in the floor and crossed her arms. She wasn't that sure she would get away with it but she made herself think she was.

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