•You're Mine (Chapter fourty Six)

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[Louis' P.O.V]

I don't look up when I hear gasps. I continue looking down, feeling dizzy, my vision blurry.

The can see me?

They can see me?

Them four words keep running through my head over and over again. They could seriously see me right now?

That means their here, means they can see me, means they can do whatever they what to me if I'm not safe.

"Louis?!" I hear someone calling my name but I'm too dizzy too even look up.

"Louis? It's me, Zayn, look up love" he says and I start crying. My head hurting bad.

"Louis? What's wrong Louis?!" And another panicky voice says.

"Lou" I feel another hand on my shoulder and that's when I break down, I panic.

Feeling myself breathing heavily, I get up and run toward the exit. I keep running and running until I can't breathe anything and my lungs are stinging.

I breathe heavily, tears streaming down my face and slid down the sidewalk. Burying my face into my legs and crying loudly.

And when I look up i see black could.


Just great.

And when I feel a drop of water I look up and then it starts pouring heavily.


I didn't have a jacket on, just a pair of jeans and shirt, no phone, no nothing, just my wallet. I shiver and just sit there in the rain.

I was probably 20 minutes away from the mall, I've never seen or been to this place, it looks creepy too.

Haunted like. I shiver again.

About 2 hours later, I've stopped crying, but it's still heavily pouring and I'm not maybe sick. Looking up it seemed like it was around 7 at night but it was probably around 12 or 1 it was just dark.

I put my head back down and sigh. But when I hear a car pull up right in front of me, I get scared.

My heart beating so fast and loud that I could hear it over the rain.

I'm still pregnant, i thought, it's probably not a good idea that I'm in the rain.

"Excuse me? Are you okay? What happened?" A girl says and I feel calmer and look up.

She looked around the age of 13 maybe 14. She had long brunette hair, light blue eyes and was pretty tall.

Almost as tall as me. But I'm short.

"Y-yeah I-I'm okay thanks for asking, you should go your going to get soaked" I say and she shrugs.

"Have nothing better to do" she says and takes a seat down next to me in the now lighter rain.

"In Sam" she says and sticks her hand out. I smile slightly and shake her hand.

"Louis" I say and she grins.

"Wait Louis Tomlinson?" She asks and I move away from her slightly.

"H-how do you know my name?" I ask.

"Harry styles' sub right?" She asks and I sigh out in relief knowing she's not here to hurt me.

"Yeah" I mumble.

"All over the news, Internet everywhere, people are out looking for you" she says and my eyes widened.

Could Harry possibly be angry at me? Oh no. It's one of his rules, to not run away. Oh no.


"W-where's this place?" I ask gesturing around.

"I don't know myself, my parents kinda hate me and I just walked out so i dont know" she says and I give her a sad smile.

I know how it feels to have your parents hate you.

"But I do remember how to get to the mall from here" she says and i look over at her.

"Could you show me?" I ask and she nods and gets up.

"Sure c'mom" she says and we start walking towards the way I had come earlier.

Half and hour later we found ourselves at the mall and I give her a hug and thank her before I walk out towards the other end of the exit.

After being with Harry for about 5 months and a 2 weeks or so, I've known my way around a bit.

So I start walking towards our house, not knowing if I was walking the right way or what.

But when I'm in the middle of a street, I see a car come driving towards me, in such a high speed I thought it might crash.

But when they pull up in front of me, they quickly get out and my eyes widened when I see its Harry.

His eyes were red and puffy, like he's been crying, and when I do look up closely, he was in fact crying. Tears leaking down his face.

"Daddy" I mumble as he opens his arms and I fall into them crying with him.

"Where the fuck were you" he cried out. And now I'm starting to feel bad. I've mad him cry.

"I-I don't know I'm sorry" I mutter as he just hugs me even tighter.

"Your okay right? Your not hurt?" He asks as he pulls away slightly.

"I'm.. Okay" I mumble. I'm actually not.

"When we get home, I want you to explain to me everything, when and why and what happened, you got me so worried" he says and I sigh nodding.

"I'm sorry, I love you" i say and lean up on my tippy toes and give him a peck on the lips.

He eyes light up, making me smile. "I love you too kitten" he says.

"C'mom lets get you home" he says and I smile nodding and wiping the left over tears before getting in the passenger seat.

We drive for not even 5 minutes before were home. I guess I was going to right way since we didn't turn back.

As soon as we get home we both walk in and Zayn and Niall rush towards me, embracing me into a hug.

"Fuck Lou, you got us all so worried what the hell happened" he says and I shrug hugging him back before he pulls away.

And when I do, I feel a really sharp pain cross my stomach making me let out a small but loud scream, bringing my hand down on my clothed my stomach.

YOU'RE MINE {L.S} BDSM MPREG UNDER HUGE EDITING Where stories live. Discover now