•You're Mine (Chapter Ninty Four)

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[Louis' P.O.V]

So today being Saturday, I wake up and use the bathroom.

I then go back to sleep, only to be woken again minutes later by Harry pressing kisses along the back of my neck and behind my ears.

"Daddy!" I giggle, moving away slightly as he chuckles, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer towards him.

My back facing his front.

"Wanna go do some shopping today" he mumbles softly into my ear making me grin.

"With the twins?" I ask as he hums.

"Yay! When are we going?" I ask excitedly as he chuckles. "Calm down love, when the twins wake up yeah? C'mom lets go shower and then get ready" he says smirking.

I blush, getting up as Harry grabs two towels, he then walks into the bathroom. He closes the door behind him and locks it.

We both brush our teeth first, laughing and goofing around before we finish. Then we both strip out of our clothes and step into the shower.

The warm water makes me relax. "You know I had a weird dream about you" Harry suddenly says, we were standing under the warm water, Harry had his arms wrapped around me while my face was pressed against his chest.

"Mhm? What was it?" I ask, smiling slightly. "We were in a band along with Liam, Niall and Zayn and we were on a world tour and then Zayn left, and me and you were dating but we couldn't tell our fans and I don't I won't was pretty weird" he says hugging my tighter.

"I could never sing" I chuckle slightly as he makes a noise of protest.

"Bullshit, of course you can sing, am don't say that" he says pulling away slightly.

"Right sorry" I say sarcastically as he sighs.

"Turn around" he says making me frown. "W-why?" I ask. "So I can wash you're hair love, turn around for me babe" he says softly as I smile slightly, nodding.

I turn around as he grabs the shampoo. He washed my hair for me and I do the same for him before he washed my body with the strawberry body wash, then I do the same to him before he turns the hot water off.

We the. Get our, dry ourselves before we wrap our towels around our waist. We then change into outing clothes before doing our hair.

Harry puts his boots on and I put on a pair or adidas shoes matching my pants and jumper. The we walk downstairs where Zayn and Niall are, in the kitchen making breakfast.

"Morning you two" Harry says as they turn around, grinning while morning a 'morning'

"We're going out to do shopping later when the twins wake up" Harry says as they hum. "Have fun" Niall grins.

"Oh we will" Harry says chuckling before we walk to the dining room and take a seat.

Only minutes later, Zayn and Niall set the food up and we all eat, talking about random shit.

Then when we're done, we put our dishes in the sink before harry gets the food out for cupcake.

I grab the now bigger fur ball and coo when she licks my hands. Harry sets the food down in a bowl on the floor and she eats it while me and Harry sit down at the living room, on the couch.

I was sitting on top of Harry, side ways, my head resting upon his shoulders as we watched TV.

After a while, cupcake comes trotting into the room and gets comfortable on my lap making me and Harry chuckle.

YOU'RE MINE {L.S} BDSM MPREG UNDER HUGE EDITING Where stories live. Discover now