•You're Mine (Chapter Seventy Seven)

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[Louis' P.O.V]

"You what?!" Harry yells quickly getting up and rushing to the door where it was once locked.

"Niall!" Harry yells and storms up to him.

"No! Why the-"

"Your the one who's seen us naked fucking so sex tape isn't that bad" Niall grins before Harry can say anything else Niall rushes down the hallway and out of sight.

"And Niall just saw you naked" I mutter as Harry sighs.

"I'm sorry I was-"

"No it's okay" I assure him but he glares at me slightly.

"Sorry I didn't mean to cut you off sir" I say as he smiles.

"Good boy" he says before putting his clothes on.

"You too, put your clothes on" he says and I nod. So I get up and put my clothes back on.

"Now it's almost 2 how about we ask Zayn to start up on lunch and we'll go see how the twins are going yeah?" Harry asks.

"Yes sir" I say as we walk out of the playroom. We walk down the stairs and see Zayn and Niall laughing but when they see us they immediately shut up.

"Something funny?" I snap as their eyes widen and Harry scolds at me.

"Start up on lunch Z" Harry says and with that we walk back upstairs again. We walk down the hall and into the twins' room.

They aren't awake, so we sit down on the couch in their room.

We sit there for a while, taking in the room design and where everything was put. And then we talk for a while before one of the twins start crying.

I get up and see that it's Amelia, so I gently pick her up and hold her against my chest, making sure the blanket is wrapped tight around her.

"I'm going to go make some milk sir" I say looking over at Harry who gives me a smile and nods.

"Wait one sec" he says and takes his phone out. He quickly snaps a picture and I roll my eyes slightly that goes unseen by him.

I then walk out the door and back down the hallway and down the stairs and into the kitchen.

Since the twins were born Harry and been taking so many pictures I'm surprised his phone storage isn't full yet.

I grab Amelia's bottle and pour some of the milk powder into the bottle and mix some warm water before putting it in the microwave.

I rock her back and forth while the milk warms up, and I make embarrassing noises just to keep her entertained.

Zayn and Niall see me in the kitchen but don't say anything. So I don't either.

When the milks done, I grab the bottle from the microwave and walk back upstairs, into the twins room and sit down on the couch where I was seated before.

Harry smiles at me but says nothing else, so I feed the bottle to Amelia before she falls asleep.

And when she's asleep I put her back into her crib, and then Harry turns the baby monitor on and we walk back downstairs in the hopes of lunch being done.

And it is, when we walk down, Zayn puts the large pot with fried rice.

"Lunch's ready" he says before walking back into the kitchen. Harry and I sit down and start eating.

YOU'RE MINE {L.S} BDSM MPREG UNDER HUGE EDITING Where stories live. Discover now