•You're Mine (Chapter Eighty Eight)

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[Louis' P.O.V]

"What would you like to have today?" The waiter asks. Me and Harry were now sitting in the restaurant, in the corner, in a booth.

"Can I get a tandoori chicken please?" I ask softly as he writes it down on his paper.

"And I'd like butter chicken with rice please" Harry says leaning over and grabbing my hands that were on the table.

I smile softly, as the waiter nods. "Drinks?" He asks. "One of your lightest wines please" Harry says and he nods walking off.

So we wait till the drink comes and Harry pours them into two glasses. I take a small sip.

"How's it taste love?" Harry asks.

"Good" I smile as he grins.

"Like you" he says cheekily making me roll my eyes, but I gulp slightly making Harry smirk just as the waiter comes with our food.

Im we eat in a comfortable solve, smiling at each other every now and then.

When we finish, we don't get desert and instead go home.

And we don't even do anything, we put Amelia and Olivia to bed, Trisha and their family goes to see Zayn and Niall.

And after we out the twins to bed we go to sleep.


2 days after, we're off to the hospital again. This time one of zayns' sisters stay at our house to look after the twins.

We get out after Harry locks the door and walk over to the lift. He was on the 2nd floor so he presses the 2nd floor button as the lift goes up.

There was no one else in the room, so he quickly palms me for a few seconds making me groan.

"Daddy" I whine as the lift dings. He walks out and oh he fucking didn't.

"Please" I whine following him out. My cock was getting hard and there was a bulge now showing in my tight skinny jeans.

"I guess your going to just have to wait till we get home" he grins before walking into niall's hospital room.

I groan quickly, trying to cover my boner with my small hands and I slowly walk into the room.

Bad idea because everyone, meaning Harry, Niall and Zayn look at me making me blush furiously and look down.

"Someones turned on" Niall chuckles.

I still look down, too embarrassed to even glance at them.

"Hey no need to be embarrassed Lou, we're all into that BDSM thing here" Zayn chuckles and I slowly nod, looking up.

"Oh kitten, c'mere you little shit head" he grins and I chuckle lightly, removing my hands and walking over to him. He was sitting down on a chair near the bed.

I frown when seeing there was no more seats left and I foam about to go stand near the wall but Harry pulls me down on his lap. Not knowing he was going too I squeal loudly as Zayn and Niall laugh.

I pout and bury my face in Harry's chest as they all coo.

"You're really adorable, Harrys really lucky to  have you" Niall says. I slowly peak out of my hiding spot in Harry's chest and smile.

"So when can you guys leave?" Harry asks.

"Any minute" Zayn says as Harry nods. A nurse comes in a few minutes later and Zayn signs the papers.

"You okay to walk Niall? If not-" Zayn starts but Niall cuts him off.

"No, it's okay I'm good" Niall nods and Zayn nods slowly. So Zayn helps Niall up before we all walk into the newborn section.

Zayn picks up the boy, who's name they haven't told us yet and we start walking down the hallway and down the lift.

Then out the door and towards Harrys car.

"What's his name?" I ask as Harry opens the door to the car. "Lucas Horan Malik" Niall says grinning like an idiot.

"I love that name" Harry grins.

So Niall and Zayn sit at the back with their baby boy while me and Harry sit at the front. Harry obviously driving.

When we get home, zayns sister stays for a bit, while Lucas if is asleep next to Zayn and Niall room. They had also designed his room.

So while they talk, Harry drags me to the playroom after we feed the twins.

"You fucking dirty little slut, getting all hard for daddy in the elevator huh? Come on tell daddy what you want" Harry whispers in my ear.

I was pushed against the wall, as he sandwiched me between the wall. His hot minty breath hitting my lips making me whine.

"D-do what you want daddy, just please" I whine embarrassingly again as he chuckles.

"Go lay down on the bed, on your hands and knees" he orders and I nod, quickly rush over to the bed, getting on my hands and knees and burying half my face in the pillow.

I hear footsteps and look up slightly only to be covered by blackness.

A blindfold. Great.

"You're okay" he whispers when I go to protest. I sigh nodding as he grabs my hands and pulls them behind my back.

I then feel him tying them with a rope making me try and pull on them.

"There's no escaping now" he says his voice deep and dominating making me gasp. He chuckles and walks off again only to return back after a few minutes.

I feel his hands rub against my bum making me flinch slightly. He then spreads my cheeks apart before his hands disappear.

I whine but then hiss when a I feel a cold liquid sliding down my crack and then hole.

He then brings his fingers back and pushes one in making me groan, finally having some pleasure.

He then starts thrusting two fingers in.

"Come, I need to come" I groan as he adds a third finger and starts thrusting in and out faster.

"Daddy!" I yell balling my hand into fists as he chuckles.

"Come for daddy" he says and I groan loudly coming all over the sheets.

"God you made such a mess" he says untying my hands and removing the blindfold.

"Scoot over and let daddy clean it up" he says and I shuffle over tiredly as he licks up my come.

"Tired aye? Come on I'll put you to bed" he says and I groan standing up and following him to our room after putting my clothes on.

"I'll wake you up for lunch baby" he whispers just as I fall asleep.

YOU'RE MINE {L.S} BDSM MPREG UNDER HUGE EDITING Where stories live. Discover now