•You're Mine (Chapter Fifty Three)

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[Louis' P.O.V]

The first thing I think off is the closet. As soon as I'm out of that room I fast walk towards our room, making sure Harry wont hear me.

I get in and leave the door open since it was already open, and if I close it he'll know I'm in there.

I open the closet door and get in.

The closet was huge, massive and could easily for about 10-15 people in there. I whimper and let out a small cry before getting in the back and sliding down on the floor.

I grab some clothes that were on the floor and cover myself up, shaking violently while crying softly making sure he won't hear me.

"What the fuck?!" I hear Harry yell. His voice booming around the house and bouncing of off the walls.

Since the play room was right next to our room, I could hear him easily.

"Louis?!" He yells causing me to whimper loudly. I could hear his loud foot steps coming towards our room making me let out a loud sob.

Which makes me cover my mouth with my small hands to keep myself quiet.

"Lou?" I could hear his voice, and it sounded much calmer.

"Please come out" he says but I don't. Instead I start shaking violently again, trying to stop myself from bursting out into tears.

"I'm not mad love, please just come out" he says and when I hear his voice right outside the closet door I let out a small sob.

And before I know it I'm crying loudly trying to get up and run again.

When the door opens he stands in front of me, a worried look on his face.

"Hey, hey, it's okay" he assures me
But I just shake my head from my position on the floor and cry louder.

"No, I'm sorry please don't" I whimper.

"I'm not doing anything, love c'mom get up" he says and turns the light on, and feel myself being picked up.

I panic, thinking his going to take me to the playroom again.

"No! No! I'm sorry! Don't hurt me! I'm sorry!" I wail out.

He sighs and turns the light off before carrying me to our bed. He lays me down and lifts the covers up and drapes it over me.

I grip them in my tiny hands and close my eyes, turning away from him.

"It's okay, I won't hurt you alright?" He says after a few minutes.

I sniffle and nod.

I could feel him get under the covers before were both asleep.


It has been 2 whole months since I've been pregnant. We've gone to the doctors once for our check up and everything's okay.

We've done a few different things, I've went to work with him a few times too. Zayn and Niall have been going great too.

I've had my up and downs where my hormones went out of whack. Harrys been understanding but I could see that it's starting to piss him off just a bit.

So today being Monday, afternoon me and Harry are both out at the shops. We're buying our grocery.

Usually Zayn and Niall would go but their both home making dinner, so me and Harry just went.

While I push the cart, Harry grabs the things we need and places them in the trolly before we check out at the cash register.

Then we go to the car and unload the trolly before we go home.


Later that night we both change out of our clothes and into our pyjamas before we get into bed.

While he wraps his arms around me we both fall asleep. Only to be woken up a few hours later.

I whimper and try to pull away from Harry. But his arms are wrapped tight around me.

So I grab his hands and pull it off me as he grumbles something under his breath.

He opens his eyes and looks at me concerned.

"What's wrong?" He asks turning the side lamp on.

"Just need to use the bathroom" I mumble before I carefully get up and waddle over to the bathroom to do my business.

When I finish I walk back out and get into bed as Harry wraps his arms around me.

I look over at the digital clock and see its 11pm. Great.

Before we fall back asleep again.

The next time we wake up is because my stomach hurts. The sharp pains going through my stomach.

I let out a small scream as Harry groans and quickly gets up.

"What happened?" He quickly asks. Turning the lamp on again.

"My stomach hurts" I mutter and rub the spot it hurts.

"I'll get you a hot pack" he sighs before getting up. He comes back a few minutes later and hands me the hot pack.

I pace it where it hurts and let out a small sigh when it immediately starts to feel better.

"Thank you" I say and he gives me a small smile before nodding the turning the lamp off. He then fall asleep while I stay awake but not for long before I'm passed out again.

The next time I wake up it's because I'm hungry. My stomach growling loudly. I look at the time seeing it's 7:30 in the morning.

I shake Harrys shoulders but he doesn't get up. So I repeatedly shake him until he gets up.

"What Louis?" He grumbles out in annoyance.

"I-I'm hungry.." I mumble.

"Then go fucking eat! Can't I sleep for once without being disturbed?! Seriously! Go eat!" He yells making me whimper.

A few tears slide down my face and I stay seated for a few seconds and when he doesn't make a move to turn around and face me or apologise.

I just cry and run out of the room slamming the door shut behind me.

YOU'RE MINE {L.S} BDSM MPREG UNDER HUGE EDITING Where stories live. Discover now