•You're Mine (Chapter Fourty Seven)

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(AN- new update vote and comment please)

[Louis' P.O.V]

"What the fuck" I hear Harrys loud voice. I'm still hunched over in pain, letting out small puffs of air though my slightly parted lips.

"S-sorry" I mumble after a few minutes and stand back up. The pain now gone.

"It's gone" I say as they all exchange looks.

"Was it just like a sharp pain?" Harry asks and i nod. "Okay, that's okay then" he says and walks closer to me, and wraps his arms around my shoulders.

"Now why don't we go and sit down, Zayn and Niall you can join, and you can tell us what happened alright?" Harry says and I stiffen a bit before nodding.

So we walk towards the living room, sitting down on the couch hesitantly. Harry plops down next to me while Zayn and Niall in front of us.

"So kitten, tell us. What happened?" He says and I let out a soft sigh. Knowing i'd have to tell them now or tomorrow. Either way I'll have to tell them.

"I-um.. I.." I mumble before a few tears slip. I haven't even started telling them and I'm crying. I'm so weak and pathetic.

"shh.. Love it's okay I promise we're here to help" Harry says and wraps his arms around me. I sigh and nod, wiping my eyes and nodding.

"T-this person, they've been texting me, since yesterday or something and, their.. Their like threats or-"

"Where the fuck is your phone?!" Harry screams making me whimper loudly.

Cowering back and wrapping my arms protectively around my stomach.

"Louis! Where the fuck is your phone?!" He yells and I sob loudly getting up and running towards our room and locking the door.

In the distance, I could hear Zayn yelling at Harry but that's all I can make out before passing out.


When I wake up again, it's because there's someone banging on the door.

"Lou! Please!!" It's Harry. Oh no. What if he hurts me? What if-

"Lou I'm not mad please just open the door" he says in distress. When he says that, I get up and open the door.

He lets out a long breath and hugs me.

I sigh and hug him back, not in the mood to cry at all. He pulls away slightly and looks at me.

"Are you okay? Hurt? What happened?" He asks.

"I-um.. I got scared and thought you were gonna hurt me" I mumble.

"Awe baby" he coos. "I'd never hurt you" he says and I smile.

He leans down and kisses me before Pulling away.

"May I please see your phone?" He asks and I nod. I walk back into the room as he follows.

Then I grab my phone and unlock it handing it to him. He goes to the messages and clicks on the one where there's no name.

He reads over the texts and his eyes widened. "And the last one was when you were at the mall?" He asks and I nod.

"Kitten, whoever that is, I will always keep you safe no matter what alright?" He says and give him a smile and nod.

"T-thank you" I say as he grins and kisses my forehead.

"Your very welcome, now would you like to eat something? It's like 4 in the afternoon and you also didn't eat lunch" he says and I shrug nodding.

"Okay c'mom get up" he says and I nod getting up and walking with him to the kitchen.

"What would you like?" He asks and I shrug.

"How about a sandwich?" He asks. "Okay sir" I mumble and he frowns. "You alright kitten?" He asks me.

"I'm fine" I say and he sighs.

"Sit at the table, I'll make your sandwich and give it too you" he says in a boring tone.

"Why are you being like this?" I ask. And then I gasp quickly as soon as those words leave my mouth.

Oh no. My hormones. "Excuse me?" He asks turning around again and looking at me.

"Your acting like I'm 5" I say.

"Louis, just go sit at the table" he says.

"No" I say. And my eyes widened again. What am I saying?

"Louis, just please go sit down and don't make me angry" he says.

I just nod and walk over to the table and sit down. Not believing what I just said. Yeah I have my hormones but I can't always use that as an excuse.

Yes I might get away with it once in a while but not every time. No.

"Here's your sandwich" Harry says walking into the dining room and handing me my plate with the sandwich.

He takes a seat in front of me, his eyes burning into my skin. I can literally see him looking at me. Deciding not to look up.

I just grab the sandwich and start to eat it.

10 minutes later I finish and get up, not saying anything to Harry and walking into the kitchen. And just as I was about to wash my plate Harry walks in.

"I'll do it, you can go rest" Harry says and I glare at him.

"Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I'm
Not capable of doing anything myself!" I yell and he sighs.

"Louis, I know you have your hormones and all but please try to act least think about what your going to say before you let anything come out of your mouth, please" he says.

I stare at him before tears starting falling down my face.

Stupid hormones. I think. "Lou" Harry mumbles and walks closer to me. He grabs the plate that I was still holding and puts it in the sink before bringing me into a hug.

"Shh.. I'm sorry love. I'm sorry if I sounded mean or rude but please just try alright?" He asks. I sob loudly and nod before pulling away.

"C-can we watch a movie?" I ask.

"Sure thing love" he says before washing the plate.

I wait for him before we walk to the living room. But when I feel my phone vibrate I stop breathing for a second and quickly grab it. Unknown to Harry.


My heart beats faster and when I hear the door bell ring I let out a loud scream startling Harry.

(AN- new updating and 2 days ago I had 17K reads now I have 18K omg ily and vote and comment please)

(15+ reads and 19+ comments?)

YOU'RE MINE {L.S} BDSM MPREG UNDER HUGE EDITING Where stories live. Discover now