•You're Mine (Chapter Seventy Four)

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[Louis' P.O.V]

"H-he what?!" I gasp out tears forming in my eyes. I used to cut when I was younger and in high school.

I still gets thoughts of doing it but Niall?! Niall's so sweet and innocent why would he think about doing this.

Harry but ignores me and runs down the hallway towards where Niall ran a few minutes ago.

And when we open the door, there he is, back pressed against the wall while holding the razor in his right hand.

His left hand hung below him as blood gushed out and fell into a puddle on the floor as he sobs loudly.

He doesn't hear the door open since he doesn't look up but when I let out a small cry he immediately looks up.

"Niall!" I cry out as Harry follows behind me as I rush forward and snatch the razor from his hands throwing it somewhere on the room as he scream.

"No! No! Lou give it back!" He cries out and my heart breaks into two.

"Fuck Niall" Harry curses taking his shirt off and handing it over to me before getting up and running out of the room.

"Niall" I whisper sadly grabbing his arms and pressing Harrys shirt tightly against the wounds.

"Get that away" Niall cries out softly pulling at Harrys shirt but I shake my head.

"No, please let us help you" I whisper brokenly as he sighs.

"I hate this.." He says after a while before Harry rushes in with bandages.

Harry then wraps Niall's hand up with the bandages as Niall just sobs quietly.

"You need a rest Nialler" Harry says softly, picking Niall up as I get up too and pull the covers down before he gets in and I pull them back up again.

And before we know it, he fast asleep, cute little snores leaving his mouth.


I groan loudly when I hear one of the twins crying.

God, I look over the the clock and see it was 1:09am.

Oh god.

I sigh and get up, not wanting to wake Harry since he was asleep and looks adorable with his curls sprawled out everywhere.

So I get up and slip on some shorts and a shirt before walking out the door and down the hall and into the twins' room.

I open the door and turn the lights on and see Olivia who was crying while squirming in her crib.

"C'mom baby, I bet you want some milk" I sigh walking over and picking her up gently as she still cries but grabs onto my hair.

I laugh quietly and see that Amelia is still asleep so I quietly shut the door and turn the lights for the hallway and staircase on before carefully walking down the stairs.

I then turn the lights for the kitchen on and rock Olivia back and forth slightly before opening the can of milk and grabbing the bottle.

I then put some of the powder into the bottle and then put some warm water into the bottle before putting it into the microwave.

After a few seconds it's done and I take it out, making sure the milk wasn't too hot or cold before walking into the living room and sitting down.

Then I position her so her head is on my arms before I feed her, her bottle as she immediately stops crying and starts sucking on the nib.

30 minutes later she's finally done and now fast asleep, so I turn the lights off downstairs before walking up the stairs again and Into their rooms.

I then put her into her crib and making sure to put the duvet over her before making sure they were both okay.

I kiss them goodnight before turning the lights off and going into our room. Finally, I climb into the bed and Harry is still fast asleep so I just cuddle into him and fall asleep soon after.

Only to be woken again by Harry trying to get out of my arms. I whimper quietly and wrap my arms tighter around him but he chuckles quietly before prying my hands of off him.

"Go to sleep kitten, one of the twins are crying I've got them sleep love" Harry says threading his fingers through my hair.

I smile slightly and nod, and soon enough I'm fast asleep again.

I wake up again, but this time it's around 12 in the afternoon.

I groan and when I look over I see Harry who was staring at me. "Creepy" I mutter as he blinks his eyes repeatedly.

"Shut up" he grumbles before smiling.

"Morning kitten"

"Morning daddy" I tease as he grins.

"God Niall and Zayn were yelling a lot this morning" Harry sighs and my eyes widen. I've forgotten all about Niall and Zayn.

"W-what happened?" I whisper.

"I think they've sorted it out, but all I heard was Niall why the fuck would you do this?! And Niall your a fucking idiot and I think Niall was crying and I don't know, I just I don't know" Harry sighs and I nod slightly.

"Well let's get up and see what's going on, the twins are probably gonna wake up soon" I say and look over at the clock and see its 12.04pm.

"Yeah brush and change first" Harry says and I nod as we both brush our teeth's and then we change into something more presentable.

Then we walk down the hallway and into the twins' room and see that their both still asleep, so we close the door and walk down stairs, but when we do, I could hear Niall and Zayn talking softly.

We walk down and once we reach the bottom of the stairs, there Zayn is, fucking Niall against the wall.

In panic, I quickly let out a small scream as Harry quickly clamps his hands over my mouth and whispers "shh"

Zayn and Niall, too caught up in their own things, don't hear or notice us, so we quickly walk into the kitchen.

I see pancakes, but don't feel like eating it, so I eat some cereal instead while Harry just eats a few pieces of the pancakes and drinks some tea.

I give him an odd look but he just ignores me before Niall and Zayn come walking into the dining room.

"Hey.." Zayn mumbles and Harry sighs and mumbles back a small 'hello.

"I'm sorry for what happened yesterday Lou" Zayn quickly apologies and I just shrug nodding.

"It's fine" I mumble.

"No it's not, I obviously treated you wrong and-"

"Shut the fuck up!" I yell standing up and pushing my chair back as the legs scrape across the floor.

"I don't care okay?! Okay?! When I was only fucking 8 years old, my fucking dad kept asking if I wanted to have some weed and I never knew what they were! I never fucking knew so I said no! I said no and he fucking smacked me! He smacked me and punched me and he did everything he could to hurt me! Then he forced me to take the fucking drug! Not only weed but so many other things! I don't fucking care anyways! I don't care about anything! I don't care about life! I don't fucking care about anything! Leave me the hell alone!" I yell, tears streaming down my face before I run out of the kitchen and into our room, slamming the door shut and locking it.

Your fucking worthless Louis

Your such a fucking wimp

Your so fucking weak

You dad forcing you to take drugs was a great idea don't you think?

My inner thoughts says as I sob loudly, sliding down the wall and shaking my head.

"Stop, stop, stop" I cry out.

YOU'RE MINE {L.S} BDSM MPREG UNDER HUGE EDITING Where stories live. Discover now