•You're Mine (Chapter Eighty Seven)

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[Louis' P.O.V]

As soon as the words leave my mouth I gasp quickly, looking over at Harry who was already sniffling.

"Stop the fucking car!" He yells and Zayn quickly pulls over and stops. He goes to get out but he quickly presses the child lock button.

God I hate that button.

"Open the damn door Zayn!" Harry yells.

"No.." I whisper quickly undoing my seatbelt and shuffling over to him.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean that" I whisper again as he sobs loudly. Fuck I made him cry.

"I fucking love you Louis, please don't leave me" he cries again, wrapping his arms around my shoulder.

"I won't, I'm sorry. I'm just really drunk and I don't know what I'm doing" I sigh, but that was a lie.

I did know what I was doing. But I couldn't bring myself to tell Harry that.

"Drive Zayn" Harry orders and I sigh, laying my head down on his shoulders all the way till we get home.

Then we get out and both go to sleep.


The next morning I wake up to a massive headache. Groaning I slowly open my eyes and see Harry sitting on his side of the bed while scrolling through his phone.

Unknown to him that I was awake, I peak over and just make out the word 'worthless' before he quickly locks his phone.

"Hey" he whispers. I frown, "are you okay?" I ask as he sighs, shaking his head.

"We need to talk" he says and I frown deeper, sitting up straighter. "What happened? Is everything okay?" I ask as he chuckles dryly.

"No not really" he says softly.

"What happened?" I ask placing a hand on his knee as he shuffles away making my heart break. Did I do something?

"Y-you don't want a divorce do you?" He asks sniffling and I whimper loudly. Did he just ask me that?

"What? Why would-"

"Yesterday after we went to the club we had a bit of an argument and you said you wanted a divorce because you didn't like the way I treated you" he says not looking up at him.

"No, Harry what the hell? Of course I don't want a divorce! I love you, and I love the way you treat me. I'm sorry for saying that. Please don't cry" I gasp when I see a tear slide down his cheek.

"I love you too" he smiles slightly and I grin, shuffling over and hugging him.

"I love you so much, please never forgot that" he says and I hug him tighter.

"Now let's get up and go shower, then we'll eat breakfast and go get the twins yeah?" He asks and I nod. So we get up, brush our teeth and shower.

The we walk downstairs after getting dressed, we eat the pancakes Zayn made before we leave to go pick up our twins.


"Hello baby" I grin kissing Amelia's cheek. Me and Harry were outside in the patio playing around with Olivia and Amelia.

"Mummy!" He squeals causing my to gasp.

"Oh my god her too!" I yell hugging her close to me as she gurgles.

"Oh my god!" Harry grins rocking Olivia back and forth as she giggles.

"God I can't believe their growing up so fast" Harry says and I nod in agreement.

"I agree like damn so quick" I say as Harry pinches my nipples cashing me to whine. "I thought you were the one who told me not swear around the kids huh? He asks causing me to whine again.

"Sorry" I apologise as he grins. "Good boy" he says before taking a seat next to me.

"Daddy!" She giggles making me chuckle.

"She learnt your name too" I grin as Harry coos, leaning down and kissing her on the cheek.

"Mummy 'm daddy!" Olivia says making Harry grin. "Yep their totally growing up fast!" Harry says just as his phone buzzes.

"Zayn? You okay-" Harry says before his cut off.

"What the hell? Now? Okay, yes okay We'll come now and I'll come and pick you guys up whenever you's leave"

"Yes okay bye" Harry hangs up and turns around to me.

"Niall's having his babies like very soon, wanna go?" Harry asks and I grin excitedly, nodding. "Yes! Yes!" I grin again.

"Calm down love" Harry chuckles.

"But yeahs lets go, were already in clothes for going out" he says and I nod.

"I'll go out them both in their seats at the back, you grab their bags and make the milk and meet me in the car after locking the house yeah?" He asks and I nod, doing as told.


"Oh my god she's so cute!" I coo, Zayn and Niall went to see their little boy. So now me and Harry went to see.

Her eyes were wide open, she had hazel-blue eyes, Niall's nose and Zayn's lips. Her hair was a dark brown colour.

"His adorable" Harry whispers gently poking his cheeks as he gurgles.

I chuckle and whisper goodbye as Harry does the same before we walk out and back into Zayn and Niall's room.

"Hey we're going to go now, we'll see you guys tomorrow. You might be lucky enough to get discharged by tomorrow night" Harry says and Niall and Zayn both thank us before we leave with Olivia and Zayn.

We drive back home in the dark, and when we get into the house, Harry and me both take the now asleep twins up to their rooms.

We tuck them in before we walk downstairs.

"Zayn won't be here to cook tonight so we can order some food yeah? How about some butter chicken? I'd love to eat some Indian food right now, I'm in the mood for some. How about I call trisha to come here and look after the twins for a few hours?" Harry asks and my eyes light up.

"Yes! I'm in the mood for some Indian food too" I grin, my stomach already grumbling from the thought of food.

"Alright love" he chuckles calling trisha.

When she arrives, me and Harry get Into his car and drive towards a Indian restaurant.

YOU'RE MINE {L.S} BDSM MPREG UNDER HUGE EDITING Where stories live. Discover now