•You're mine (Chapter Seventy)

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[Harry's P.O.V]

"Harry!" Louis wails out snapping me out of my horrifying thoughts.

His a few weeks early which mean is going to have to-

"Coming Lou" I whisper, bending down and gently picking him up as he whimpers.

"It's really hurts, please hurry" Louis practically sobs out and I nod, not even bothering with my wallet before grabbing my keys and phone and rushing out of the house and out the door.

I open the car door and gently place him in the front seat as he cries out. He seems to be in a lot of pain..

I quickly rush back to the drivers seat and immediately start spreading towards the hospital.

"Please hurry" Louis whimpers out. I let out a small sigh.

"It's okay baby, your okay we'll be there soon, 5 minutes love" I whisper as he lets out loud sobs.

Going 50 over the speed limit, we reach there in the next 3 minutes.

I get out and carry him out before rushing into the hospital. "Someone get a nurse my husbands having a baby" I yell as everyone in the waiting room turns their head over to look at me.

But I brush them off, but glare at them when I see then taking pictures. Great. Just fucking great.

Nurses immediately take him in and I was just about to follow when one stops me.

"Is your husbands baby here on the right time? Early late?" He asks.

"Uh.. A few weeks early" I mumble softly as he nods.

"Alright sir, your going to have to take a seat-"

"What?! Why?" I interrupt him as he sighs.

"Because your husbands baby is here early and we're gonna have to get an emergency C-Section. We don't know if him or the babies will be okay, but we'll try our best" he says making me gasp.

Not okay? How could they not be okay? What the fuck?!


"Sir, take a seat we'll come out and let you know as soon as possible on how their going" and with that, he walks into the emergency room, making me break down right there.

"Please be okay" I whisper, with tears running down my face before I decide to go it outside for a bit and get some fresh air.

So I walk out of the waiting room and see an empty bench and take a seat. I don't cry.

Dom's down cry.

When Dom's cry, that's a sign of failure. That's a really bad sign.

"Lou, please be okay, make sure the twins are too" I whisper to no one.

I sniffle and wipe my eyes before getting my phone out with my trembling hands and opening up my contacts.

I then click on zayns name and listen to it ring.

"Harry?" Zayn asks confused from the other line.

"Z-Zayn.." I mumble, I can hear him gasp and I could hear some other noises before he speaks again.

"What's wrong Harry? Is Louis okay? are you okay?" He asks.

"I.. Um.. Louis.. Our baby it's like coming out now.. And they say that he-he might now be okay and I'm fucking scared Zayn" I sniffle as he gasps once again.

"We're coming to the hospital now, hold on yeah? Be strong Harry, think positive" and with that he hangs up.

I sniffle much louder this time before I sit there, waiting for Zayn and Niall to arrive.

Not even 10 minutes later, i see them rushing towards me with worried faces making me break down again.

"Shh.. Shh.. It's okay Harry" Zayn whispers sitting down next to me and wrapping his arms around me.

"It's okay Harry" I could also hear Niall say, also wrapping his arms around me. After minutes and minutes of crying I finally calm down and pull away from them.

I rub my red eyes and look over at them, who were looking worried as fuck.

"Harry, were really worried" Niall says slowly, rubbing my arms.

"I'm fine.." I mumble and slowly get up.

"I'm going to go see if I can see Louis now" I mumble again before walking Into the hospital again, sighing when I see Zayn and Niall follow me.

I walk up to the reception as the old lady smiles at me.

"Is.. Uh Louis styles-am I aloud to see him?" I ask. It's been probably over an hour since I've brought him here.

"Um.. One second" he says and types something down before looking back up at me.

"A nurse should be out in the next 10 minutes to tell you on how MR Styles is going" she smiles and I thank her quietly before walking to the front of the waiting room and sitting down.

Niall and Zayn also sit down and talk in whispered voices as I zone them out.

Just thinking about Louis making me want to break down again. I didn't even expect the twins to come out this early.

It's the 2nd of March 2016, on a Tuesday-

"MR Styles?" I hear someone say and I immediately get up, I see Zayn and Niall follow and tell them "stay here, please I'll you what happens after" and they nod and sit back down.

"Are you Harry Styles?" The young nurse asks and I nod as she leads me down the hall and to a smaller waiting room.

"Okay so Louis Tomlinson and both the twins are okay. No damage was done, both the twins are healthy and Louis is too, his currently sleeping. You guys all will be able to go home in 2 days. Also you can see the twins when you like" she says and I smile widely.

Louis was okay. My twins were also oaky. This is a dream to come true. Oh my god.

"Thank you so much, which way is Louis' room?" I ask as she points down the hall. I thank her before rushing towards the end of the hallway and into Louis' room.

I smile when I see him, he was sleeping peacefully his face pressed against the pillow, his mouth partly open, letting out small breaths.

"I love you so much" I whisper grabbing the chair from the other side of the empty room and bringing it over towards Louis bed.

I sit down and sigh, grabbing his hand softly and he immediately let's out a small whine making my eyes widen.

He shuffles around a bit before slowly opening his eyes. I smile when I see him, and when he sees me, he smiles been wider.

"Oh my gosh. Am I are the babies okay?" He asks and I smile nodding.

"Their okay Lou, and you are too, I love you so much" I mumble leaning down and pressing soft kiss to his cheek as he grins.

"They said we can go have a look at the twins whenever we want" I say as his eyes light up.

"Can we go now?!" He asks excitedly already getting up. I smile and nod, pressing the red emergency button as the nurse comes in and helps Louis up, before we make our way towards the newborn section of the hospital.

YOU'RE MINE {L.S} BDSM MPREG UNDER HUGE EDITING Where stories live. Discover now