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"Isabella, dear, graduation is just around the corner," Mom spoke breaking the silence in the car.

"Have you finished packing for university?" She sounded a little sad about me leaving. Her little girl, all grown up.

"Not yet mom, I'll finish them when I get home."

I was on my way to school today since I still have some practices for graduation. Ah yes, It's my last year of high school and we were almost done with everything. All we need now is to graduate.

I passed by the usual neighborhood I grew up in, the one I learned to love, and the nice neighbors who inhabited those houses near our house. Honestly, I'll miss them.

'Today is going to be a perfect day' I thought. The sunshine peaked through the leaves of trees, the birds chirp their morning song, and the morning air enters through my rolled-down window. It was truly peaceful.

At last, I arrived at school. I stepped down from my car grabbing my bag behind me and putting it on.

"Hey Izzy!" My bestfriend, Bridget called out from afar.

"Hey Bri!" I waved at her. She sprinted towards me and gave me a big hug. This is how we usually greet each other.

Theia followed behind her. "Hey boss!" She said. I replied by saying the same.

"So, in 3 days, we're finally going to graduate." I sighed.

"Yep. You're going to Yale right Izzy?" Asked Bri. I simply nodded as she started jumping up and down.

"Theia and I are going there too! We got scholarships!" Bri said.

"Congrats guys!" I hugged them both. 'YUSSS I'M NOT GOING TO BE A LONER!'


~Time Skip to breaktime~

"Finally, breaktime for us." I sighed, lazily sitting down on my chair. We were outside under one of the purple tents, each of us holding a bottle of Mountain Dew.

"Yeah, today's practice was really complicated," Adam sighed. Oh yeah, I forgot to introduce to you Adam. Adam Cranshaw, one of the best people you'll ever meet. Gives good advice, makes good musicals on and is a great listener too.

It was only Bridget, Theia, Adam and I on the table just chillin' with our bottles of Mountain Dew. We were watching the boys play their usual basketball game. This happens every. Single. Day. You wouldn't see a day without people in open court.

Bridget suddenly sighed. She was staring at that Kevin guy again. I honestly don't know what she sees in him. "Isn't he handsome?" She said, her eyes shaped into hearts.

But what caught my eyes was my boyfriend, Ryan. We've been together for quite some time now. Ever since I was in my first year of high school. Those years that we've spent together, I learned to cherish with all my heart. It all started with me staring at him and him staring at me. Then I came to love everything about him. His eyes, his laugh, his smile, and how he says ILY in my ear every time we hug. But lately, we haven't been talking. It worried me.

'He's been acting different..'

"Um, Izzy?" Theia waved her hands in front of my face. "You went to Ryan wonderland again.."


"Okay Izzy, enough with the staring." Bri said.

"But you were just staring at that Kevin guy."

The whole group said "OHHH BURN"

"Alright, Alright.." Bri said, looking at him again.


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