Chapter 54

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And it has finally come to the part where the captain comes off with his little speech about the flight, talking about the usual simple procedures as well as expectations for today. It was about 9 AM in the morning, the sun was shining outside amongst a blue sky. It was the perfect weather to travel in.

I reclined my posh white leather airplane seat, pulled the warm blanket over my shoulders and relaxed, closing my eyes. Yet again, I was travelling alone. After Manuel brought me to the airport, he made his way back to Milan for a meeting with Vogue Italia. The cabin was quiet, perhaps the only thing I was able to perceive were the sounds of the turbines and engines.

As soon as the plane was ready to dart off into the air, the captain says his last remarks before takeoff, then it moves slowly along the sunlit runway. All of a sudden it gets faster down, and within a few seconds it was up in the air.

"Good Day Miss Wilson!" The flight attendant greeted me with a warm smile and the drinks cart.

"For lunch we have a three-course meal composed of an appetizer which is our Caprese Salad with pesto sauce; a main course which is our Pasta Con Pomodoro E Basilico; and lastly dessert which is Panna Cotta with Raspberry Coulis" She added

"Sounds delish. Oh, can I also have a glass of Rose. Thank you!" I replied, handing her back the lunch menu.

"Right away, Miss." She said as she bowed and left.

When she came back, she brought with her a tray carrying a beautifully plated Caprese Salad; slices of tomatoes and mozzarella cheese alternatingly lined up against eachother topped with basil leaves and rich pesto sauce. Then came my pasta, one of my favorites- Pomodoro. I finished that real quick. And finally dessert, Panna Cotta. I took a small portion with my spoon, the cream gelatin perfectly coated with the raspberry coulis.

The flavors of the Raspberry sauce and the berries themselves accented the plain yet creamy gelatin well. It was sweet and perfect.

It made me remember something just the same. That night at the Trevi fountain with Michael.

I gasped, feeling my heartbeat intensify... every single pound in my chest. Not through my ears, that was occupied by the steady drum, pipe, and faint Italian music; drowning it out in the ears. But I couldn't lay there. I had to but I couldn't. This great pounding, this great pressure; every beat. I couldn't hear it, but I could feel it.

I felt heat rise up to my cheeks as he continued to stare into my soul with those piercing eyes of his.

"Sometimes my heart beats shallow, sometimes it beats so strong I think my chest will burst, but always it beats only for you. I finally admitted to myself what I knew all along, but was too afraid to admit it: I love you Izzy, I love you a lot.. I realized a long time ago but then I lost you to someone else.."

That moment alone felt like it was a scene in a movie. It was perfect, music in the background, the sound of the water splashing down into the fountain, the god Oceanus looking down on us. It was quiet, with nobody around; just the two of us.

And just like this Raspberry Coulis, the moment was sweet and comforting. His words were sweet, and sincere and his embrace was comforting like I felt protected in his arms.

It's strange - frightening even - how you can go from someone being a complete stranger, to then being completely infatuated by them and wondering how it ever was that you were able to live without them, because you sure as hell couldn't imagine being without them now. I know we're only young, and most people would consider me to be foolish and naïve, but it's true when I say that I love him more than I could ever love myself. He's my best friend and, as cheesy as it sounds, he's my anchor. My one stability in this world filled with chaos.

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