~*Chapter 55*~

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She could barely see anything, only darkness; a pitch black void. In this darkness she sat, muscles cramped and unable to move. She can't hear anything either. Silence, eerily unnatural like a dawn devoid of birdsong. Like a gaping void, needed to be filled with sounds, words, anything a person could hear. Perhaps the only thing she could hear were the sounds of her breathing and faint echoes, so inaudible she could barely tell what it was saying.

Strained against the zip-ties, blood running over the translucent plastic, red on white, she then struggled to free herself though it only caused more pain.

Her nose filled with the musty scent of the sack that covered her head and in the almost blackness her eyes strained for some sign of what was to come. "Where am I? what the hell happened to me?" she repeatedly thought as her heart began to quicken.

Surely someone was looking for her, the police, the FBI...

But it happened so quick, people wouldn't be able to notice.

"We meet again, mia bellisima"


As soon as I arrived at the airport, I quickly made my way through customs and then the exit, hoping Izzy would be there waiting for me. But when I got there, 'she was nowhere in sight. Maybe she's going to surprise me at home' I thought as I hailed over a cab.

The drive home was usually looking out the car window, taking notice of the things that came by. Though this time, the whole drive home was focusing my eyes on her last text, hoping the "typing" sign would come up. I just have this strange feeling something wasn't right. Maybe it's just me being a concerned and caring boyfriend, perhaps this how everything starts out to be. But my gut tells me something feels wrong.

"Should I call her?" I contemplated, opening my contacts and hovering over her name.

But before I could press call, I was already in front of her house.

"That would be $21.58" The taxi driver exclaimed, chewing his gum rather audibly.

"Ayt, here. Thanks for the ride, have a good one." I replied, handing him the bills as I made my way out.

"See ya buddy"

And at that moment, as I walked towards the door, I felt a rush of excitement flow through my veins. She could be behind that door right now. She could be waiting somewhere inside, ready to surprise me. She could open it at any second and rush towards me.

It was now or never.

I turned the knob slowly, pushing the door forward as I called her name out.

No response.

I settled my bags near the doorway as I began to look around. From the living room, to the kitchen, the bedroom, heck even the bathroom, she was nowhere to be seen.

All of a sudden my phone rang. Thinking it could be her, I answered it without checking the callers ID.

"Babe! where are yo-"

"Michael.. she's gone."


"Look at you, so helpless,"

"So powerless,"

"So weak,"

The man went closer and closer behind her. So close, she could already feel the warmth of his breath against her neck, sending chills down her spine. "A damsel in distress needs a hero, does she not?" he whispered huskily in her ear.

With not much effort, he pulled off the sack covering her head, untying the blindfold too.

Standing before her was a man in a clad dark blue suit, his brown eyes glinted as they came in contact with the light. He had a scar on his forehead, the same scar she saw in that innocent helpless kid back then.

And then it hit her. All the memories kept flowing back, like bright lights that kept on flashing, making her head hurt.

Izzy winced once as he tore off the ducktape from her mouth.

"I'm guessing you remember now. My face, everything I've done to you." He smirked.

"D-diego...why.." She muttered under her breath, her head hung slightly as she leaned forward.

"Well, grudges grow to become more dangerous, I'm sure you remember what I told you that night."

Shivering, Izzy's sweat trickled down the sides of her face. "I r-remember.."

"And you know, I wouldn't have been able to do all of this without some convincing." Diego winked.

All of a sudden, the sound of heels clicked against the floor, coming closer and closer to the light. A familiar face stood before her, someone we've all forgot about since the beginning. Words started ringing in Izzy's head. The faint echoes started to become more audible.

"Remember me, Izzy?"

A/N: Yes, I know it's short like me. But this is just part one of the finale. Yes this story is coming to its end as it is too long for such an episodic story. And yes, the suspense, no comment there.

Orayt, I think my friends butts are itching because I had to drink medicine so yeah I need to start finalizing the last ever chapter of WYA.

Hope you like it!

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