~*Chapter 35*~

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Bri's POV

"So should we spy on them?" Adam suggested once again as he munched on his gingersnaps.

"YOLO" Theia said as she got out camouflage gear out.

"Why do you have that packed with you?"

"Incase we need it.


Michael's POV

"WATCH OUT!" I yelled as I grabbed Izzy's hand and pulled her away.

Time felt like it stopped at that moment. It was silent around us, like the only thing I could hear was my heart beating so fast. I grunted in pain as my back hits the frozen pavement. I felt Izzy's head land on my chest as I protected her with my arms.

"Oh my god.. Michael are you okay?" Izzy exclaimed as she checked to see if I was hurt. "You have a bruise!"

I looked into her eyes and saw concern within them. With her soft hands, she cupped my face. "It looks painful.." Izzy said as she helped me up.

"I-it's alright, I'm fine.." I replied as I gave her a sheepish smile.

"You saved me.." Izzy smiled and hugged me tight. "Thank you sooo mucchhh, Mickey! I owe you one."

"Alright, alright that's enough, Princess."

As soon as we both arrived in the cabin, Adam and Bri rushed towards us. "Where were you guys?" Bri asked.

"We just went to a cafe and ate breakfast there. You guys were sleeping like a baby so we didn't want to disturb you," I added as I handed them the donuts and croissants we bought for them earlier. "It got a little cold, sorry."

"It's fine, we'll just heat them up," Adam tossed them inside the toaster and waited.

"Oh whaaaatttt," Theia came in dressed as if she'd become one with nature."We were just about to spy on you guys," She said disappointingly.

Why tho.

~Time Skip brought to you by Squidward's nose~

Today we had to leave the beautiful state of Colorado and go back home. We were in for another 14 hour drive and none of us were excited about it. It would mean getting cramped inside Ryan's car for another 14 hours. Luckily, I got to sit beside Izzy.

"Everyone in the car?" Ryan asked as he buckled up.

"Yeah," Everyone sighed.

Izzy looked out the window with her elbow resting just above the arm rest. She wore her favorite sweatshirt, the one with the panda Theia gave for her birthday. She brushed her dog's hair with her hands giving it scratches from time to time. "Mhm?" She looked at me with an eyebrow raising up.

"N-nothing," I turned away. She must've caught me staring..

Soon, we were on the way home and everyone was quiet for the past 2 hours of the whole roadtrip. Occasionally, Bri and Adam would sing some songs from the radio together to keep them occupied.


"Hello darkness my old friend~"



After song,


After song.

"Falling in love... with you..."

Eventually, they all passed out from singing. All of them were pretty knocked out except for Ryan driving. I was still awake because I couldn't sleep. It was 2 AM in the evening and by now I would usually be asleep.

Suddenly, I felt some weight just on my right shoulder. When I looked, it was Izzy sleeping on my shoulder. She held my arm, yawned and went back to sleep.

"Warm~" She sighed.

I didn't move. Well, I couldn't move. The girl I've been crushing on for forever is leaning on my shoulder sleeping. Inside, it felt like fireworks were shooting out of my chest. I felt relaxed and tense at the same time. "Tch, look what you're doing to me." I whispered as I kissed her forehead and began to close my eyes.

I hope to see her in my dreams-

"Huehue.. hue.." Adam spoke out of the blue. He was still asleep, I guess dreaming. He raised his hand and did the rocker sign before leaning back.


"WE'RE BACK HOMEEE" Bri said as she stretched her arms out as she exited the car.




After what seemed to be eternity, we finally reached Izzy's house since Izzy had a surprise to give for Bri, Theia and Adam. She held up a key infront of the three.

"What's that?" Adam asked.

Suddenly, air horns came out of nowhere.

"I BOUGHT THE HOUSE NEXT TO US AND IT'S FOR YOU THREE (since I'm gonna be needing some alone time in my house cuz you know..) LET'S TAKE A LOOK INSIDE!"

As we open the door, a girl with blonde hair stood before us. "SURPRISE!!"

"Hailey?" Izzy's jaw dropped.

"IZZY!!" The blonde came running towards her and hugged her tightly, swinging her around.

"Hailey! back from Copenhagen already?"

"I wanted to visit you that's all, I miss my bestfriend and cousin!" She said, swinging her around again. Is she that light?

"Okay okay, calm down banana,"


"Sir," Someone knocked on the door.

"Come in,"

"Izzy's back from Colorado." he held up a picture of Izzy posing with her friends at some house. "Any plans?"

"Who was she with?" I asked, dodging his question as I continued eyeing the dartboard infront of me.

"Same people, sir."

"Was Michael run over?"

The boy was silent. He fiddled with his fingers and shivered in fear. "N-no sir-"

"GOD DAMN IT" I pulled the trigger, shooting the guy right in the forehead. Blood pooled everywhere as he laid on the floor lifeless.

"Oooh nice one, boss."

"I will have you in my grasp again soon, mi amore."


A/N: Short af chapter again. Sorry ;-; it was like 1500+ words until I had to edit a few parts. I also kinda got lazy and gave up describing. Oh well. I also can't stop thinking about cinnamon rolls ;-;

send help

lol jk


Me: You left it at the cabin's toaster .-.


Anyway, on with the next chapter!

-Author Cinnamon Roll Chan

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