~*Chapter 27*~

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A/N: Okay. So there was a big space in the bottom of Chapter 26. Lol fail. Anyway, enjoy this chapter!


Izzy's POV

Today, It was chill. We just arrived at the Santa Cruz Island which was off the coast of California.

"Sorry guys.. but I have some really bad news.." Chris rubbed his temples, easing the head pain this problem has caused. "The stuntmen who will play the lifeguards cannot attend today's movie shoot."

"Why?" I asked, confused.

"Well they went to the hospital since they almost drowned."

Everyone in the room gasped. Suddenly, voices started to get louder.

"But what will happen to today's location shooting!" One said.

Another said, "Yeah! I mean, we are already here!"

Soon, everyone started complaining. Including Ryan, who was apparently, complaining about something else other than what the other's were talking about.

"Guys, chill," I said, calming them down. The room became quiet instantly.

"Since we don't have lifeguards today, we need replacements."

I looked around the set, finding the perfect two people who could fill in the roles of the lifeguards. I scanned the area, including the beach. Until I heard familiar laughing.

"BRI! ADAM!" I called out as they approached me.


"Do you wanna be lifeguards today?"

The two screamed in excitement.


Bri's POV

~About an hour later~

"I think I regret making this decision." I said as I shivered in this red one piece. The typical lifeguard attire.

The breeze that blew from the east felt so cold, but the heat of the sun made everything balanced. I thought we were just going to stay on the beach, but instead, we're on a boat right now to film the action scene where Izzy's character escapes from the kidnappers. Izzy isn't on this boat right now. She's on top of that cliff up ahead.

I turned to Adam, who seemed pretty chill over there on one of the seats on this boat. He was taking a nap, wearing his favorite blue jacket while his sunglasses rested on top of his head.

I glanced at Theia, who was seated on the nose of the boat, taking pictures.

"Okiedokie, Ms Bridget." The captain acknowledged. "I'm Jimmy, the owner of this boat. Director Chris is asking if by any chance, do you know how to drive boats?"

"Yeah I know how to drive boats. My dad owns a yacht and I totally do not borrow it from time to time." I said, failing at lying.

"Totally." Jimmy snickered and tossed over the boat keys. I thanked him as he stepped off the boat and unhooked the dockline. Before I turned on the ignition, I checked if the boat is okay to move. And in no time, I drove the boat to the specific location.

And from there, we waited.

The waters were calm right now, the gentle waves rocked the boat as we stayed idle in the sea.

I spotted the camera crew that just finished setting up the cameras for the filming.

I wonder what's happening over there..

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