~*Chapter 20*~

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A/N: I had to place bad-ass music. 11/10 👌

Ryan's POV

Everyone else nodded as we walked towards the building. I put on my sunglasses slowly as I put on my brass knuckles. Bri clutched on her baseball bat, Theia held a tranquilizer gun in her hands, while Adam was unarmed. We were nearing the building slowly, like, seriously. In slow-motion. What.. why are we in slow-motion..

The whole time, Adam was playing Eye of The Tiger on his beats speaker.

"Adam! Turn that off!" I yelled, making a few of the thugs that were placed outside turn to our direction. Damn it, so much for a stealthy entrance.

"Sorry, I just had to." He tried containing his laughter as he placed his beats speaker out of sight.

"Hey! intruder!" A thug yelled as he charged to us.

I punched his face, knocking him out.

"Woah, cool." Adam said in awe. "I can do that too."

More thugs who guarded the outside came running towards us, swinging some punches. However they missed. Adam knocked out so many all at once. Damn.

"Hm.. I thought you guys were trained." I said as I round-house kicked one thug's face.

All of us fought them and eventually, they all passed out.

Let's head inside, I said as everyone followed. Inside, there were more guards than we expected. I heard voices coming our way, so I looked around quickly on where to hide.

"Over there!" Adam whispered as he pointed towards an open vent. We all went inside it just in time. A few guards were patrolling the lower level.

"So you saw Isabella right?" One guard said.

"Yeah, she's so hooott" The other said as he shaped what Izzy's body looked like in the air. I guess you could say, a pear shape.

Then another one came running towards them.

"Guys, Division O was wiped out." He said, slowly panting. "People are intruding."

"We gotta tell the boss."

Soon, they fled away to their boss.

We all went out of the vent and continued to find Izzy. The whole lower level was somewhat empty it's like all of those thugs went to check on 'Division O'. Oh well, at least we won't encounter trouble.

There were machines everywhere; we're probably in a factory. I thought this was a warehouse? Maybe it just looks like a warehouse from the outside. There were a lot of broken stuff here, it's like people from before had numerous fights taken place inside this abandoned factory. The weird thing is that most of what was broken was mannequins. A Mannequin Factory? makes sense.

I was about to turn to the left corridor until Adam pulled me back.

He shushed and told me that there were some guards here talking.

Bri's POV

We didn't have that much time. Any moment from now, the thugs from outside regained consciousness and is now roaming the factory. Ryan and Adam looked like they didn't have any ideas, but I did.

"Guys, I have an idea." I told them as I rolled up my capri, turning them into booty shorts. I took of my brown leather jacket which I layered above my favorite white tank top and placed my jacket in some corner.

I turned to the left corridor, approaching the two guards who were talking as I hear them catcall me.

"Hey baby.."

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