~*Chapter 36*~

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Bri's POV

"Okay! Why not we go inside?" Izzy said as she welcomed us inside.


All of us followed Izzy as she toured us around our new LA home. I looked around in awe, admiring how well-decorated the house was. As soon as you walk in, you get that aesthetic vibe you get from this newly built (or maybe renovated I don't really know.) house. From the black street lamp chandelier to the red bicycle displayed on the wall.

First was the kitchen and boy, was Adam excited. He rushed towards the fridge and opened it to see that it was fully stocked. I guess I didn't have the need to get groceries anymore.

"Oh yeah, and there's a wine refrigerator too," Izzy said as she got out a bottle of red wine and offered us a glass.

Next, Izzy brought us to the dining room. It was an ordinary contemporary dining room with mahogany chairs with black iron legs and a square glass table decorated with a potted plant in the middle. Above it was a geometrical chandelier which I thought looked really nice. In the background was a view of the pool and the sea as the sun rose just beyond the horizon.

Next came our rooms. All of them were white bedrooms though.

"Aw man, looks a little boring," Theia said as she looked around.

"Yeah, I didn't know what you guys wanted so I called up an interior designer for the three of you. She'll help you spice it up," Izzy said with a wink.

"CAN MINE BE ALL GREY" Adam exclaimed.

"I'll leave it to the designer," Theia said as she took more pictures.

"Same," I said. " I want her to surprise me,"

"Alrighty then, I guess she'll be here by tomorrow. She said she's busy decorating Riley Curry's playhouse."

*ruffle ruffle*

Suddenly, all of us heard ruffling noises somewhere in the room. "What's that?"

*ruffle ruffle*

"I think it's coming from the closet.." Adam said, bringing up a broom in his hands ready to attack whatever's in there.

As soon as Adam opened the closet doors, something wrapped in white jumped out and scared us all. It stopped moving for a few seconds until it spoke rather loudly, "Uh.. a little help?"

It sounded familiar.

"Guys, I think that's Zoe." Theia said instantly.

"Zoe, what are you doing here?" Izzy asked as she helped her out of her white cocoon.

"I came to surprise you guys " She said. "So I hid in the closet and covered myself in this white bedsheet"

All of us laughed.


Ryan's POV

As soon as I got home, I walked groggily to my bedroom, plunging myself onto the bed lazily. I looked through my phone and saw so many missed calls from mom. I sighed, calling her immediately.

"Ryan?" She picked up in a matter of seconds. "Son, you've been missing my calls.. is everything alright?"

"Sorry mom," I chuckled apologetically. "I had a little trouble with the signal over at our cabin."

"Oh, well your father and I wish you a Merry Christmas. It's been feeling quite lonely you know, without you."

"I know, it's my second Christmas without you guys, I'm sorry."

"You even missed your favorite Christmas pudding!" Mom chuckled. "Your brother Ross loved it!"

"Big bro's over there?"

"Mhm, his family's here too."

Ross Beckford, my older brother by 5 years. I haven't seen him in a while actually. I've been so caught up with work that I even missed his own wedding three years ago. All of a sudden, it made me remember the things we did as a kid. He was my idol pretty much. He showed me all sorts of cool things and even taught me how to do skate tricks. I miss my brother.

"How are things over there in LA? I'm so excited to watch the movie you're staring in!"

"Pretty good, we just finished shooting one of the last scenes."

"I can't wait!"

Suddenly, dad's voice echoed in the background. "Honey? Do you still have your delicious pudding?"

"Sorry darling, I'm afraid Ross finished it all. I'm on the phone with Ryan, hold on." Mom said.

"Alright sweetie be good, I gotta go."

"I'll come to visit soon, mom."

"Love you,"

After that she hung up. I placed my phone on the bed table next to me and got up to take a shower. The last time I did was yesterday in Chris' cabin and boy, did I stink.

I stripped off all my clothes one by one and stepped inside the shower. I turned the dial, old and metallic, releasing thousands of lukewarm drops, darkening my hair and trickled down my back. My mind fades into dullness and everything is a foggy illusion. The sensation of the steamy water calms me; it takes my mind of things.

And I really needed to anyway. It's because of Izzy and Michael.

Yesterday morning, I took a smoke break at my room's balcony. I felt like I had the need to smoke before anyone else wakes up and sees me. None of them know I smoke. Just then did I see Izzy rushing outside and playing in the snow. I threw my cigarette away and hid behind a plant. I didn't want her to see me looking like this after all.

She looked pretty happy, like a baby during the first snow. I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. Moments later, Michael comes out and peered over her as she made snow angels.

"Oh Michael, loosen up! You don't get this in LA!" The brunette exclaimed as she sat in the snow.

Both of them laughed as Michael pulled her up. Until she slipped.

They looked at each other's eyes for a few seconds as if Cupid struck arrow at them both. I felt an instant pang of jealousy hit me as I watched the two.

What if they do become a couple?

I mean they could become one. They'd look really nice together.

Izzy already moved on a long time ago. It's my turn now. I can feel something sparking between those two, as if I was some psychic so maybe I should forget about them for awhile. Forget about my feelings for now. We're co-workers after all.

After drying myself from the shower, I placed on some random t-shirt and some grey sweatpants from my drawers and went back to my bed to sleep. I drove all night after all.


Adam's POV

"So when I went to the kitchen to get a drink, I slipped on a banana peel!" Hailey said, making us all laugh.

"So where are you guys going to spend New Year's eve? It's tomorrow." Izzy asked.


All of us looked at each other for a moment with faces that said "Why not?"

"I think rekindling with the Kardashians won't do no harm, will they be there?" Theia grinned.

"Of course! They're frequent guests at my parties, they attend every single time."

"Well then, it's settled." Izzy leaned back crossed her legs.

"Let's go"

A/N: lol this took awhile (didn't know what to write) ANYWAY ON WITH THE NEXT CHAPTER!

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