~*Chapter 7*~

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"No, you are totally not wearing that!" Bri said, yanking the green swimsuit out of my grasp. I kinda liked that swimsuit..

"Bri, it's just the waterpark.."

"But you gotta look good for your date." She continued.

My eyes grew wide. "Who said it was a date?!" I exclaimed. She started laughing hysterically.

"Oh my god, your face! Hahahaha"

I narrowed my eyes in annoyance and continued finding a decent swimsuit. I didn't own any Rashguard anymore since it didn't fit anymore so I gave it to Nadine, my sister. That could've been the perfect outfit though. Everything Bri picked out for me to choose were all bikinis. I didn't like them tho since it's just the Waterpark and I don't wanna show too much skin. I'm a very conscious person.

"Ugh! I can't find a nice one." Bri growled in disappointment.

I picked up a coral pink one piece swimsuit. Bri's expression turned into a mesmerized one. "That's perfect!"

"I like it.." I smiled.

"Oooh and it's from Victoria's Secret too!"

I chuckled and placed it back on it's hanger. After that swimsuit search, the closet was a mess.

"This place got wrecked" Theia stood on the doorway looking around. She was carrying grocery bags. It's a good thing she bought more food.

"Yeah, we'll clean it up." Bri started picking up the clothes. I joined in and cleaned up the pile of clothes.


The Next Day

I woke up to my alarm clock, my eyes being blinded by the bright light. I spotted my coral pink swimsuit on my desk chair making me remember last night's late at night outfit search. When I came home from Starbucks, I told Bri I was going to the waterpark. She immediately dragged me upstairs to my closet to find me the perfect swimsuit. We finished at 2 AM- wait.. 2AM?

I glanced at the alarm clock, it was already 9 AM. Not only did I get not enough sleep, but I'm late! Shit.

I sprinted to the bathroom and took a bath. After, I ran out to get some shorts and a white tank top to wear over my swimsuit. I put my extra clothes in my bag and some hair ties. Slipped on my low-cut black converse and tied my hair into a fishtail braid.Everything was ready, I was good-to-go.

"Hey Izzy!" cried out Theia from downstairs. "Michael's here!"

"I'm ready!" I sprinted downstairs.

"Have fun!" Theia waved as she closed the door.


Nobody's POV

"Wow, you look nice." Michael eyed Isabella from head to toe. He did that quite for awhile. A small tint of pink appeared on Isabella's cheeks as she mouthed a thank you. He was wearing a plain white T-shirt and some beige cargo shorts and navy blue Sperry's.

"So what waterpark are we going to anyway?" Isabella asked, breaking the silence in the car.

"Oh, you'll see. It's actually kinda far but I have a short cut which would get us there in 2 hours."

"Cool." was all Isabella said as she looked at the interior of the car.

It got boring all of a sudden. Everything was quiet. It stayed like that for 30 minutes until Izzy decided to turn on the radio.

"YUSSS Youth by Troye Sivan!" She exclaimed. Michael let out a chuckle.

"My Youth! my youth is yours~"

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