~*Chapter 30*~

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A/N: I'm so in-love with Theishter's Piano covers. The one above is from the movie called Kimi No Na Wa. This movie gave me too much damn feels ;-;

Adam pressed his ear against the bathroom door, hearing the troubled voice of Michael

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Adam pressed his ear against the bathroom door, hearing the troubled voice of Michael. "What could he be talking about?" he asked himself. He knew it wasn't right to eavesdrop but after hearing Izzy's name coming from his mouth, he took the opportunity to know what he feels about her. Adam knew after all that he likes her anyway.

"Why am I so overprotective.." Michael paused. "To someone who isn't mine?"

This made Adam gasped so loud that it was able to reach behind the door. "Shit." Adam cursed under his breath knowing he'd be in trouble.

Quickly, he scanned around to find where he could hide. It was too late though, Michael caught him red-handed.

In relief, Michael sighed. He was relieved to know that the person who was eavesdropping while he spoke to himself was someone he could trust, and not someone who could potentially ruin his friendship with Izzy by spreading it across social media. He was glad that it was someone who already knew about him liking her..

"Adam!" He exclaimed. "Well at least you're someone who knows.."

"Well, yeah cause I'm the only one who knows," Replied Adam with a grin. "You're lucky it isn't anybody else!"

"Imagine if it was... Oh! Izzy!" He said audibly that it was able to catch the attention of Isabella. Nervously, Michael covered Adam's mouth with another bottle of beer to prevent him from saying anything else. "Haha.. it's nothing!" hearing that made Izzy shrug and smile at him instead. Once again, Michael sighed in relief. "Let's discuss this more outside," Michael face-palmed. "Please?"

The two headed out and decided to take a walk outside. As they exit the front door, the cold evening air greeted them as they walk along the sidewalks of Sandy Cape drive. Michael began to speak. "D-does Izzy.. like anyone?" he mumbled. "Knowing Izzy, she currently doesn't like anyone," Adam replied which brought sweet relief to Michael until he continued with, "I think.." This just took back the relief Michael had for a moment and because of that, he smacked Adam's head.

Adam grunted at the sudden pain and said, "SON OF A BITCH! What was that for?"

"So you aren't so sure.." Michael's expression showed disappointment.

Adam patted his back and said, "Hey, don't give up that easily,"

"You still have a chance, dude,"


The party was nearing it's end, everyone who was still sober from the amounts of alcohol they consumed called some taxi cabs and went home and those who weren't, lay asleep on the living room floors and some in the spare bedrooms of Zoe's house. Zoe herself is sleeping on the kitchen counter. The only people who haven't decided to leave yet were Izzy and Ryan. Placing her elbows on the cold metal terrace railings, a cup of non-alcoholic Margarita in her hands, Izzy's eyes were glued to the beautiful starry sky that shined over the busy city of Los Angeles. She smiled at the sight, being able to see something her eyes would rarely see makes her feel happy. The wind carried her hair softly, gently letting it flow with the wind. The clouds that acted as stage curtains opened up to reveal the brightest star of tonight, which was the moon. Izzy checked her watch, it was 1 AM in the morning.

"Gosh, it's already November," Izzy sighed. "Time really does go fast,"

"Indeed it does,"

A voice coming from behind her spoke. She turned around to see a familiar face, it was Ryan wearing a vampire costume.

"Woah, what are you supposed to be?" Izzy placed a grin on her face to prevent her from laughing.

"A Vampire, ready to suck the blood out of you!"

"Lameee" She commented, still trying to hold in her laughter. At this state, it looked like she couldn't help it no more. She thought what he just said to her was the lamest thing she's heard tonight.

"Don't like it?" Ryan replied with a smirk. "Ouch, I could use a compliment from time to time, you know."

"No no, you look great," Izzy smiled at him and returned her gaze back to the stars above. Ryan noticed it and watched them as well with her. "Beautiful isn't it?" He commented, and turned to look at her. Something in his heart wanted to continue to that, but his mind prevented him from telling her. That something has only 2 words, 'Like you.'

It's true though. In his eyes, Izzy was his world. No, scratch that. She's the whole god damn galaxy. When he looks into her eyes, he would get lost in them every single time. When she enters his vision, his palms would get sweaty and his heart would beat faster all over again just like in high school when they weren't dating. I guess that's how it feels when you're in love. It was like, in that exact moment, he felt tempted to grab her by the shoulder and just lean in to kiss her.

But what could he do. He had no right to do that. He had no permission either. And if he asked, won't that be so awkward? She'd say no anyway. Like, a straight no.
Her, however, just stood there and watched the stars fully aware that she was beside her ex. The person she dumped because he cheated many years ago. The person whom she fell for and til this day, doesn't know if she still does. Perhaps not. She moved on from him a long time ago too. Or could it be a misconception?
The stars above twinkle at them, happy to see what is becoming of this moment. A moment where these two are alone together. Maybe they're waiting for the both of them to have this deep conversation, ex between ex.

"So..." Ryan broke the silence between them. "How's life?"

"Pretty good," She told him, her gaze still fixed at the stars"

'This is it. The perfect time to tell her that she looks pretty tonight' Ryan thought. 'Don't screw it up'

"You look very... beautiful... tonight" he gulped in between his words, his cheeks slightly pink. Feeling heat come across his cheeks as he stayed silent.

Isabella's eyes that were gazing on the night sky averted on Ryan's expression. Surprised, she can't help but blush. It was a compliment after all.
"Y-you don't look too bad yourself," she muttered, her cheeks slightly flushed as she pulled back a strand of her hair at the back of her ear.

"We're back, Izzy!~" A voice shouted coming from the road just below them. The two looked down to see a drunken Adam with Michael waving at them.

"I guess that's my cue," Izzy said, grabbing her stuff. "Sorry we couldn't talk longer,"

She turned to him once more before she headed out, "Thanks for the company,"

Stunned, Ryan stared at her as she walked away similar to the time she walked away from his life years ago. There were words forcing themselves to come out of his mouth. Words that wish to be spoken, words that that he should've said the night she left his room after seeing something at the wrong time.

Those words were:

"Don't go.."



Adam: Shut the f#&* up, Author-chan.

Me: Sorry ;-;

Well this chapter was supposed to be a Halloween Special. But because of my sudden laziness, I didn't publish it on the day itself >.< Now that Christmas has ended, I don't think I could muster up a late-christmas special chapter for this book either. Sorry about that..

PS: This was a very short chapter too.


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