~*Chapter 17*~

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Izzy's POV

For the past 5 days, we were full of energy. From surfing to wake-boarding, we did almost every watersport. Not only watersports, the girls went to the spa and stuff while the boys were in the club. Adam met some new girls over there yesterday. And he hasn't come back yet. I wonder what's happened to him. Now's our last day here, and tomorrow, we'll leave for LA. I checked my watch, it was already 5 PM.

Suddenly, a knock came from the front door. I went to get it and opened the door to see Adam in a tattered robe, the top part of the robe was gone while the bottom covered everything else. Poor Adam.

"Woah, what did those girls do to you?" I asked, trying to hold my laughter.

He sighed. "They're tigers. They rocked me all night last night."

I cringed.

"Okay, don't continue. That's really weird." I cupped my ears.

"Monica, Erica, Rita, Sandra, Jessica, and Pamela.. they were all so good." He continued. How evil.


Jeez. 6 girls? That's insane. And play-boyish. Well, that's Adam's nature.

"Oh wow, 6 girls? You screwed 6 girls?" Theia asked as she came down the stairs. "I never knew you'd go that far,"

I went under the covers, protecting myself from hearing more. After awhile they stopped talking about that, which brought sweet relief for me.

"Finally." I came out of the covers, sighing.

"Hey guys.." Theia turned to us. "Wanna go for a walk and appreciate the scenery one more time before we go?"

Adam and I looked at eachother then at Theia and shrugged. "Sure, why not?"

We all got up and went out the door, walking along the wooden path going to the beach. The sun slowly sets on the horizon, leaving the sky with an assortment of shades, a blend of reds, yellows, and oranges. The wind blew my dark hazelnut hair gently as I followed my two childhood friends. Until they stopped.

"Huh? what's wrong-"

Theia shushed. I asked why as she pointed towards two people on the beach, cuddling as they watched the sunset. When I looked closer, it was Bri and Kevin. They seemed to be talking about something sweet. Theia dragged Adam and I behind a bush to spy on the couple.

"Hey Bri..." Kevin spoke as Bri turned to him. He looked into her eyes sweetly.

"What's wrong?.." She asked. He caressed her cheek as he began to spoke.

"Have you ever wondered why.. we met again?" Kevin looked up to the sky.

"Well, yeah.."

Kevin placed a kiss on Bri's cheek. "A friend of mine once said: If two people who were once separated by fate and met again by chance, then they are truly destined for eachother,"

He paused. "At first, I never believed that. But now, I really believe it."

"You are my destiny, Bridget Kane. I love you ever since the day we met which was back in highschool on a fieldtrip."

"Y-You still remember?" Bri looked like she was gonna cry. He nodded and smiled.

"I love you to the moon and back. You're my mouse, my muse, my life.. and I'm thankful that I met you again."

Bri was on the verge of tears. Nobody has ever said things to her that sweet. Words spoken with love.

"I love you too, my bear." Bri leaned to kiss him, her lips meeting with his.

Theia and I squeeled softly at what just happened right now. Adam smirked.

"Well, when will they get hitched?" Adam said quite loudly. Before he could say more, Theia placed a mango inside his mouth.

Bri and Kevin stopped kissing for a moment. "What was that?" Bri asked.

"I don't know." Then they continued kissing.

"Woah, Bri chillax with the kisses." Kevin calmed her down as she continued attacking him with kisses, still overwhelmed after what happened just awhile ago. "What if Theia and Adam are watching?"

"We are! including Izzy!" Theia shouted.

Bri and Kevin looked at us, hiding behind some bushes. They looked at eachother once more and let out a chuckle as their lips joined together again.


Still Izzy's POV

I walked along the terracotta path, making my way to the bar. The sounds of waves crashing along the shore, the palm trees and leaves swayed with the sea breeze. The sun hasn't fully come done yet. I was at peace. When I am at peace, I think deeply of something. And I was thinking about what Kevin said about destiny. Two people, separated by fate and met again by chance, most people wouldn't believe that. But I am stuck in the middle of yes and no. Why? because I started to wonder why Ryan and I met again. Why Michael and I met again. Is that what god has planned out for me?

I sat down on the bar stool, telling the bartender to get me a glass of tequila. When he came back, I paid for my drink and went upstairs to the terrace. I held my glass in my hands as I appreciated the view of the ocean, placing my elbows on the railing.

"You okay over here?" I turned to see Ryan with a glass of wine in his hands.

"Yeah.. just thinking." I replied, going back to the view of the blue sea.

Ryan stood next to me, keeping me company. Placing his elbows on the railings as well.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked. "Perhaps.. you are thinking about me?"

I faced him, giving him an 'Are you serious?!' face. He simply chuckled.

"Ha ha, that's very cheeky of you." I rolled my eyes. "I'm just thinking about life,"

I took a sip out of my tequila, onlooking the dolphins play from afar. It grew quiet between Ryan and I. He was still here, his eyes fixed on the sunset.

"Beautiful right?" I said, breaking the silence.

"Like you." Ryan replied. Wait what? "Oh um.."

"No it's okay."

"I meant it." Ryan added.

Suddenly, music started playing. A singer stood on the stage, a mic in his hands. As I looked closer, that was.. Adam? oh wow. The sun has finally gone down, leaving the sky full of stars. Adam started singing. A few couples walked to the dance floor and slow-danced, leaving Ryan and I the only ones not dancing.

"Wanna dance?" Ryan asked as he held his hand out.

"Oh um sure.." I grabbed it and followed him to the dance floor.

The candles gave us a soft, flickering reflection as I slipped into his arms, enjoying the cologne of his. How I missed that cologne. Adam's song seemed to set fire on the emotions of every couple here. Including us, even if we weren't a couple anymore. I felt awkward at first, but then I just gave in and laid my head on his chest. I had to admit that I missed this.. so much.

When the dance was nearing it's end, he twirled me around slowly as I land back at his chest. and when the dance did end, we smiled at eachother, looking at eachother's eyes.

"Thanks for the dance." I said.

"You know.. I missed that." He admitted.

I let out a chuckle and gave him a big hug.

'Am I falling in love with him again?'


A/N Okay, that chapter was short. Also, I have decided that some chapters will not have author's note. Mainly because I think that the author's note is a killjoy or something 😂😂 Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter. Give it a vote, comment something nice or put this in your library. Thanks!

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