~*Chapter One*~

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A/N: Hello fellow readers! It's Ecstatic Bella over here! I hope you like the first chapter of the book!


*5 years later*

'On the plane again..' I thought as I try finding my seat on the plane. After what seemed to be 5 minutes, I found it. Luckily, I was in business class, thanks to my dad who booked my ticket.

Finally, I'm going home to the city I grew up in, which was in Jacksonville, Florida. Yes, I grew up near the beach. In fact, my house was on the beach. It's been a long time since I left. 5 years to be exact. I didn't visit that much at all since I had a rough schedule. But now, I'll be visiting for awhile, probably staying for a week since I'll be going to in Los Angeles, CA since I'll be doing a project there.

So what happened all these years? well, while I was majoring in Literature and Linguistics, I had time to go to Acting school. Months after I graduated, I was found by a talent scout. I got to live out my dream of being an actress. I starred in some TV shows and movies and got to meet famous people. Published some novels I've been working on for quite some time now. And it's been only 5 years. To be honest, when I was in 6th Grade, I wanted to become an Author of books. But at the same time, I wanted to become an actress. Famous for her works and her movies. I guess my dream came true .

I sighed, looking out the window. I could see the sun set in a distance, the clouds held a promise of a calm, peaceful night and the sky slowly turned into an array of orange, pink, and yellow.

The lady pushing the refreshments cart came to my seat and asked if I need anything. I asked for a latte since I drink lattes on some late afternoons. She came back with the latte which had a nice heart design on it. "Cool" I thought to myself.

"Hey there." I heard a familiar voice. I turned around to see Bridget and Theia.

"Wait, what are you guys doing here?" I asked, feeling a little confused to see them here.

"Oh, Theia and I have some business to do back in town." Bri said, smirking. 'What did she mean by that?'

"Nah, we're kidding," Theia giggled. "After you told us you were going back, we decided to go with you."

'Nevermind..' I thought. "Then we're going to California with you." they said.

"I've been hired to work in PICTURESQUE Studios as Assistant Photographer." said Theia.

"I'll be working at the Ashton Modeling Agency." said Bridget.

We continued to talk about our jobs. It's so nice to listen to how their dreams came true just like mine. Theia always wanted to become a photographer while Bridget wanted to become a model. I sighed, looking back when we were little. I remember the 6-year-old Theia wanted to become a hobo.

After what seemed to be an hour and 30 minutes, we finally arrived in Orlando International Airport.

"Yay we're here!" Bridget exclaimed.

As I exited the plane, the fresh Floridian air greeted me with a warm welcome. Oh it's so good to be home again. After getting my bags from the baggage claim, the squad and I went to find my parents. To avoid the paparrazzi, I put on sunglasses and continued to search. Luckily, we found them near Starbucks. My dad was holding 3 grande cups of my favorite Strawberries and Cream Frappes. Wow, dad still remembers my fave.

"Here ya go, girls." He handed them a cup.

"Welcome home honey!" They both hugged me really tight. I sighed once more.

"It's so good to be home, mom and dad."

"Okiedokie guys, to the Wilson residence!." Mom said in her cheerful tone.


Just the sight of my house brings back a lot of memories. The porch I used to sit and play in every afternoon, I always picture my younger self playing with my Barbie dolls. The tree outback is still there, even though I thought my dad would take it down, it's still surprisingly in good condition. And just behind my house, the beach's waters look so inviting, maybe I'll go for a swim later.

As I entered the house, my younger sister, who just turned 18 last May, surprises me from behind.

"Hey big sis!" She said excitedly. I turned around to look at what she has become. She has truly matured.

"Hey Nadine," I smiled.

"You're famous now, huh sis?" She nudged me. I simply smiled and told her to continue our talk through lunch.

"So Bella, how long are you planning to stay?" Dad asked. My manager said that my vacation before the big project will last for a week.

"A week." I said as mom came back from the kitchen holding a plate full of burgers.

"Aww wish you could stay a little longer."

"Yeah, me too, but my manager said I have this project I have to do. I'll be starring in a movie."

"Cool!" Nadine looked up from her phone.

"What's the movie about??" Asked Bri.

"I think they're going to base this movie on a book," I continued to eat.

After talking about the movie, Bri, Theia and I went to my room to freshen up.

I turned on the AC since it was getting quite hot. Theia and Bri were just chilling on my couch eating some popcorn while I put in a movie. We were watching Mean Girls since Bri wanted to watch it. Her excuse was that she wasn't able to watch it for a long time now. Theia, Bri and I were being weird by throwing some popcorn at the screen when Regina appears.

'Lol, we're going to clean this up later.'

"I missed this place," Bri sighed.

"Wanna go upstairs to the attic and look at old stuff to remember the good ol' days?" Theia suggested. Bri and I both nodded and Theia had a huge grin on her face. What she loved to do most was remember things from the past. She loved looking at old photos because it gave her inspiration for her career. Also, she loved the smell of old books and albums.

So we all went upstairs to the attic. As we went in, the smell of old books filled the air. Theia loved it. She skipped around the small, dimly lit room looking around at stuff that might be useful. I opened the curtains to bring some light in since it was quite dark. Then I went around to find my old albums and boxes full of pictures.

We've spent hours in the attic, just looking at old photos and putting on my dresses during prom to check if they still fit. Until we came upon a box full of my photos I made with my polaroid. The photos were taken 5 years ago according to the date at the back of each one.

While I was looking at some, Bri tapped my shoulder.

"Hey, Izzy.." She picked up a photo and gave it to me. "Remember him?"

I scanned it for awhile.

It was none other than Ryan Beckford, my ex-boyfriend.

A/N: Hello my fellow readers!!! I am sooo sorry this came out kinda late. Writer's Block was being mean to me again. I cri. But Anyways, I hope you liked reading this chapter. Wow, Isabella's famous now, huh? Well then. It's off to the next chapter!


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