*~Chapter 2*~

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A headache suddenly strikes making me gasp from the pain just by looking at the picture of him. A flood of memories come to me, making me remember everything we did together. All the kisses, all the hugs, our conversations.. they took over my mind.

"Izzy, you okay?" Theia said, patting my back gently.

"Yeah.. I'm okay," I slowly rub my temples, easing the pain brought by that headache. "It's just a headache.."

"Weird. I'mma get some water for you." Theia stood up and left the room.

"Oh no, I shouldn't have showed that pic to you, Izzy." Bri's eyes showed guilt and remorse. "I remembered what he did to you.."

"Nah, it's okay. It's in the past now."

"I'm back with some water," Theia brought in a tray with a pitcher of water, 3 cups, and a bowl of mini pretzels. "You're mom told me to bring some snacks here too."

"Yay pretzels!" Bri exclaimed.

"Thanks Theia!" I gave her a thumbs up.

"So, what did I miss?" Theia sat down beside us in our corner of the room where we were still looking at pics.

"Nothing actually." I said as I looked out of the window. Suddenly, a memory of me and Ryan flashes before my eyes. We were in the attic hiding from eachother. I remember it like it was yesterday.


"Bella! Where are you?" He was getting slightly annoyed judging by the tone of his voice. From afar, I could already see his silhouette come closer.

"Try to find me!" I said in a cute mocking voice. I sound so much like a little kid to be honest. Even though I'm 18.

I heard him giggle. I love his laugh. It's just so cute.

His footsteps came closer. Sh*t, I have to escape right now. I slowly tip-toed to an old cabinet which coincidentally can fit my body inside. The cabinet was covered with a big white sheet so this might be a good hiding spot.

"Hm.. where could she be..?" Oh no.. he found me. Just when I thought this was the perfect hiding place.

"Here!" He reached under the white sheet.

"Wait what.." There was nothing inside. I crawled up behind him ready to scare him. But before I did, he turned around and tackled me to the ground.

"Found you!" he exclaimed.

We spent a few minutes just wrestling on the floor. Beating each other up playfully.

He pinned me down. He stared at me with those beautiful piercing steel blue eyes of his. Those eyes that I get lost in every time.

He caressed my cheek as I lay on the floor. He was on top of me, still pinning me down. It felt like time has slowed down that moment. His hair was swept upwards making him look more attractive, his eyes defined the word hypnotic. And when he leaned in to my ear just to say "I love you" really made me explode inside.

I stopped staring at him when I felt his grip weaken. He was leaning closer to kiss me, I quickly turned him over and pinned him down.

"I knew that was coming," He said with a smirk.

"I won this time, Yusssssss!" I did a fistbump. He just laughed and quickly placed his lips on mine. We shared a kiss on that late afternoon.


A single tear went down my face. If he didn't break my heart, we could've been together until now.

"Uh Izzy?" I snapped out of my thoughts as Theia stopped waving her hands in front of my face. I quickly wiped the trail of water that streamed down my face. At least Theia didn't notice. "Are you really okay?" Her face showed concern.

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