~*Chapter 39*~

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I was just in time. Pretty much an hour and fifteen minutes later, I arrived back in LA. Below me, I saw the Hollywood sign which kinda looked a little odd. Instead of Hollywood, it read "Hollyweed". Oh my god. That made me laugh a little. When the plane landed, I gathered all of my things, rolling the blanket I used since I took a nap going here and made my way outside the plane doors. I said goodbye to the stewardess Rhea, taking one last selfie with her since she wanted to.

The sun blinded my eyes a little, so I casually placed on my sunglasses. I checked my watch, it was 12:33 PM. I had 27 minutes before my meeting with Vera Sinclair, one of the top Bridal Fashion designers, which happened to be one of Manuel's close friends.

I climbed the limousine before me, carrying my dog Gingy in her little Gucci dog carrier bag; another gift from Theia. And then we were off to her boutique in Rodeo drive. When we got there, I had to disguise myself Hollywood won't get the wrong Idea. With a fake moustache, glasses and a large trench coat, I looked like an old man going inside the store.

"Do you have an appointment, Sir?"

"Oh, um this is Izzy Wilson.." I said to the woman at the desk. "Oh right..er..Miss Wilson. This way please,"

She guided me along a brightly-lit hallway, pretty much everything was white. The walls, the floors and the changing room doors. When we got to the end, it was Vera's office. The desk attendant knocked on the door gently, hoping not to disturb the working woman inside. "Yes, bring her in, Laura. Thank you."

As soon as she opened the door, Manuel got up from his chair and greeted me. "Izzy darling!"

"Hey, Manuel!" I waved.

"How was Las Vegas?" He asked.

"Pretty good-"

Suddenly, Vera spoke up behind the two of us. She looked at me sternly, eyeing me from head to toe. "Is this the girl?"

"Y-yes, this is Isabella. Isabella Wilson.."

For a few seconds she was silent. "Well, she's quite short. But I'll make it work."

But I'm 5'6. Oh well, I guess she's just used to working with taller models.

She lead us to one of her fitting rooms and inside, looked pretty cool. If ever I get married one day, I'd have my bridal dress fitting here with my bridesmaids. There were already dresses picked out, in fact a whole line of them. For the interior, I thought it looked really snazzy.

The walls were of a dark shade of beige, with lights just above giving it some sort of definition to the plain beige wallpaper. In the middle of it all was some sort of runway with three mirrors at the back. There were chairs lined up on each side, each seat for the people present here today.

 There were chairs lined up on each side, each seat for the people present here today

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"Hey Izzy!" A familiar voice shouted. I turned to see who it was, and it was Gwen.

"Gwen!" I said, running towards her. I'm a big fan after all. Besides, I haven't seen her in awhile.

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