~*Chapter 21*~

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Ryan's POV

The ambulance left, bringing Izzy to the hospital, the police began to track down Diego, and the guys and I decided to chase the ambulance.

I was here, sitting in the driver's seat of my car, driving to the Los Angeles Medical Hospital. Tears brimming my eyes as my remained my stoic expression. Sometimes, I can't keep this up anymore. I want to let all my feelings out, but I somewhat can't. It's like all my feelings are inside a jar. Just awhile ago while I held Izzy in my arms, crying, I still kept that expression. I didn't want to look weak. I wanted to look strong and manly, not weak and scrawny.

Going back to Izzy, I don't want to lose her. Losing her, is like losing the things I love. Now I can't deny it. I'm in love with Isabella Wilson all over again. I want to tell her so badly, but I know she'll be upset. I'm just a mere ex-boyfriend, with a girlfriend whom I am beginning to doubt. I haven't heard from her ever since I went to Maldives. Some part of me wants to tell Izzy about my love for her, and the rest wants to keep it inside a box forever, not wanting the world to see.

When I finally reached the hospital, I went straight to the emergency room. Bri, Theia, and Adam were already there, watching Izzy go inside the room. When they were about to close the door, I went in to stop the nurse from closing it. I was scared.

"I want to see her," I said sternly as I stopped the nurse.

"I'm sorry sir, but you have to wait!" She said as she closed the door fully.

I sighed, as I sat on a chair, with my hands in my head.

It was silent between Adam, Theia, Bri and I. None of us spoke. When I turned to Bri, she was crying softly. Beside her was Kevin, comforting her. Telling her it's okay. I was like that to Izzy before. Izzy would go to me when she's sad and let her feelings out as she cried in my arms whenever we were on the couch. I would kiss her on the forehead and tell her it's okay, just like what Kevin and Bri are doing right now. Those days with Izzy, I miss them. For 5 long years, I've spent 3 of them single and 2 of them with Tia. Never in my current relationship, Tia would never cry in front of me. She wouldn't ask for me to hug her whenever she's sad. She was so different from Izzy.

I stood up and looked at the emergency room door's window and stared at Izzy's motionless body. She was still alive, her heart was still beating. Her pale skin looked like it could match the white hospital gown. Her long brown hair was kept inside a hospital cap. There were tubes everywhere too. An oxygen mask was placed over her nose and mouth. An IV tube was placed on her wrist. Seeing Izzy in this state is just, heartbreaking.

I felt tears form in my eyes again. I wiped them off quickly before the others could see and went back to my seat.

A few hours later, it was probably 9PM in the evening. The guys went to eat at the cafeteria while I decided to stay here. The doctor came out of the door, with a clipboard in his hands. He didn't look too happy though.

"Are you Ryan Beckford?" He asked as he looked at me in the eyes.

"Yes, that is me."

"What is your affiliation with Ms. Isabella Wilson?" He asked as he looked back at his clipboard, a pen in his hands as he spoke.

"Her ex-boyfriend, doctor." I replied as I looked down at the ground, ashamed.

"Where are her parents?"

"They're in Jacksonville Florida,"

The doctor paused for a bit until he spoke again. "Well, since you're the only one here, I might as well tell you her condition."

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