~*Chapter 26*~

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~2 weeks later~


A voice echoed my name.


There it goes again.

My eyes shot open to see Bri's face upclose. She jumped back, shocked. "OH MY GOD DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT!" She whined.

"Good morning, Bridget." I said, yawning.

She stood up again and placed an excited look on her face. She jumped around like a mad man and smirked. She looked like she was gonna explode with excitement. Wait.. what date is it today..?

"Bri.." I turned to her. "What date is it today?"

"October 12, 2016," Her grin grew wider.

"Your parent's annual Autumnal Barbecue Party.. or what I call,"

"BBQ Night."


So today's BBQ Night.. No wonder Bri's fired up today. She loves meat so much that she restrains herself from eating meat. My parents and her parents kinda told her when she was 18 that red meat processed meat and flame-grilled meat are cancerous and considered Carcinogens. It's true though. I remember the exact same words my mom used to tell Bridget and I.

"Don't eat too much red meat and processed foods or you'll end up like Uncle Nico," Then she shows both of us an article about it. My uncle Nico was hospitalized for about a month because of those stuff. He and his wife Christine favored steaks, burgers, and other foods. They ate those stuff a lot and then one day, my uncle had to go to the hospital. They found out that there was a tiny hole in his heart and his blood pressure was so high. He didn't die though which was good. He just turned vegan for the time being.

So every time there's BBQ night, which happens yearly, Bri would go. She'd always be present.

Why yearly you ask? well it's also a really really large reunion with all the Wilsons and Gillies. Also my mom and dad's friends and coworkers.

Suddenly, my phone rang rather loudly than it echoed across the hallways.

"Uh.. mom?" I said, recognizing the voice on the other line.

"Helloooo! sweetie!" her voice boomed. She must be as crazy as Bri right now.

"Yes, I know, today's the annual Wilson-Gillies Autumnal BBQ." I replied.

"Yep! Also, we're not having it in Florida though, So don't come there," She added. Wait what.. no she's not having it in my house. Yep, totally not going to be in my house.

"We're having it in your house!!!" She boomed once more, making me groan in disappointment. I wanted to be alone right now. There would always be a day where I would be anti-social, that apparently, that's today. "Look out the window!" She said.

I did what I told her to do. I took a small peep outside to see her waving at me with a big grin on her face. She wore her green trench coat with black leggings which are probably thermal leggings and ankle boots. People were moving around, arranging the tables and chairs. Dad was beside her, on the phone. My sister, Nadine was sitting on a daybed. Doing whatever she does every time, and that would be blogging. However there was someone missing though. Peter was there, trying to annoy Nadine. Hah, good job Peter.

"Wow, okay. Great job, Mom." I gave her a thumbs up as I spoke to her on the phone.

"Oh, sweetie, I better go. I'll be in the kitchen if you need me. Cooking tonight's food. " She hung up before I could say goodbye. She's really in a rush.

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