~*Chapter 44*~

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Adam's POV


All of a sudden, the brunette popped out of nowhere, holding a cup of coffee in her hands. "Finally, I found you guys!" She exclaimed as she came towards us with a concerned look on her face.


"Also Hailey singing in a manly voice," I added, looking at Hailey who had a smug look on her face as she held the box she just stole in her hands.

"And Ryan falling into the canal" Michael looked at the soaked man, controlling himself not to laugh as Ryan held up his middle finger at him.

Izzy looked at us as if she missed an entire day with us. She sighed, and looked down at the floor, rather disappointed. "Damn gelato, it hypnotized me.." She muttered under her breath as she looked up at us again with a different expression. "Well, it's okay!" She exclaimed. "We still have some time in Amalfi, and it's really really nice there!"

"Oh right, I got a call from my uncle who's over there, He said he'll lend us the villa while we're here," Bri said, coming out of nowhere as well. Where'd all her fans go?

"We'll be heading there tomorrow, I heard the wedding dress and everything else is already here, plus they'll start setting up the next day,"

"Wait, but isn't Amalfi 8 hours from here?" Asked Ryan, wrapped around a towel. "Why didn't we stay in Rome then,"

"I don't even know, well, it's Chris' idea so he should know. I guess text him about it." Izzy nonchalantly replied.

Suddenly, I looked over at Michael, his eyes fixated on Izzy. He had this faint tint of pink across her cheeks too. I really really ship them. I wish they get married someday, I mean the way he looks at her is so.. wow.

I let out a chuckle, remembering that time when Michael confessed that he liked her way back.

"Adam, why are you laughing?" Asked Theia as she eyed me suspiciously.

"N-nothing," I muttered. "It's getting pretty cold, where's the Misa- er Miso soup?" A/N: Lol sorry. I bet 99 % of you who read this won't get it. jk

Theia let out a sigh. "Wrong country, Adam."



Izzy's POV

Amalfi coast, one of Italy's finest destinations. A place where the mountains plunge into the sea in a nail-biting vertical scene of precipitous crags, cliff-clinging abodes and verdant woodland. It is a popular holiday destination with sheer cliffs and a rugged shoreline dotted with small beaches and pastel-colored fishing villages. It was deemed as an outstanding example of a "Mediterranean" landscape by UNESCO and has been a world-heritage site since 1997.

 It was deemed as an outstanding example of a "Mediterranean" landscape by UNESCO and has been a world-heritage site since 1997

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"Am I dreaming?" Said Bri as she rubbed her eyes. "THE VIEW IS GORGEOUS!"

And she was so right. The view is breathtaking, almost as if I was dreaming. "Someone pinch me!" I exclaimed.


"Oh ouch.. that actually hurt Hailey,"

"Haha, sorry. You did say "Pinch me" anyway"

It was slightly warmer here than in Venice. Actually, it's just as warm as LA in January. It wasn't too cold, nor was it too hot. It was just right. I took off my black faux leather jacket and carried it in my arms, revealing my off-shoulder top that Theia gave me way back. The sun met with my exposed skin, making it glow a little. I let my hair hang loose as I walked towards the railing, closing my eyes as I do so.

And just like that, I felt a gush of wind brushing my hair, letting it flow behind me as I savored the view. "That feels nice.."

Just a few meters away, I saw Michael admiring it too. His elbows rested on the white stone railings, watching the small boats at the sea miles away. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath before exhaling a sigh. A smile crept to his lips as his eyes met with mine all of a sudden. Oh my god, was I staring at him too long?

"Come on, Izzy. We'll be heading over to the villa now." Said Manuel as he climbed into the van that brought us here.

"I'll be right there!"

As soon as we got to the place Ryan, Michael and I were staying in, I ran and opened the double doors to the house. My mouth gaped in awe as I looked around. "Oh my gosh, this place is amazing!"

The villa literally screamed "High-end" with its own mediterranean flair

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The villa literally screamed "High-end" with its own mediterranean flair. Everything here had vibrant colors splashed onto the immaculate white walls, giving me the Summer vibes early in January. Outside, there were a lot of daybeds and lounge chairs to just chill and admire the panoramic scenery. And when I checked just down the terrace stairs, there was a swimming pool overlooking the beach and sea.

Manuel recommended that we should also have dinner at the restaurants below, especially the Seafood restaurant with the best seafood olio in town. Maybe I'll drop by sometime.

"I-Izzy! why did you bring so much bags!" Retorted Ryan.


Bri's POV

"Ciao mi zio!" I said, greeting my uncle Luca with a warm hug. He's one of my dad's brothers, him being the 2nd eldest among them.

"Well if it isn't my favorite niece, Bridget!" He replied kissing me on both cheeks. "And are these your friends?"

"Yes, this is Theia and Adam." They both stepped forward and waved at uncle Luca.

And just like that, my uncle approached them both, "Welcome, welcome!" He said, kissing both of them on their cheeks. "Do enjoy your stay, I have to go run some errands. Bridget, you take care of things from here."

"Will do, Uncle." I said as he made his way out. "Ciao!"

As soon as he left, Adam unfroze himself from what just happened awhile ago. "Was it really necessary to kiss me on both cheeks like that?"

"Cheek kissing is a social norm around here,"

"Wow," Said Theia.

All of a sudden, I felt a growl leave my stomach. Wow, I'm hungry again? I just ate. I walked around the villa trying to find the kitchen. I passed a few halls with uncle's pictures of him and his family. There pictures of my family and his family on the walls too, how cute.

When I arrived at the kitchen, the smell of seafood wafted up my nose. Suddenly I began to feel so nauseous.

"Signorina?" Asked the maid as she looked at me with a concerned expression on her face. It was at that moment that I could feel liquid rising up from my esophagus that I ran to the nearest bathroom. "Dio Mio!"


a/n: sad lyfe, poor bri. ON WITH THE NEXT CHAPTER

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