~*Chapter 3*~

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"Wait wait wait.." I grabbed a pen while I was on the phone. I got a call from the director telling me the venue of his party is unavailable.

"Gahh! It was all planned already." Frustration and disappointment in his voice. "I GOT AN IDEA!" He suddenly exclaimed. "The party will be at your house instead!"

I wasn't able to react. Arranging a party in just 2 days after arriving in LA will be rather difficult. But this will be fun..

"Sure. Why not?" A touch of confidence completed my tone.


~7 days later~

It was 4 AM in the morning here in Florida.

"Aw Honey, too bad you're not staying longer." Mom said as she gave me another bone-crushing hug.

For the past 7 days, my family, Bridget, Theia, Adam and I went out and spent time with eachother in malls, on the beach, in the carnival and other places. Mom even took us on a foodtrip and Adam was so happy. But now is the time to go. My vacation is over and I'm needed in LA for a movie. Bri has an interview with Mr. Delingen, the modeling director of the Ashton Modeling Agency. While Theia will start her new job at PICTURESQUE. I already booked a flight for the three of us. 3 seats near the window. It's economy class tho.

Adam, however, will fly back to Virginia to be with his long time girlfriend, Angela. All of his relationship goal musicals are soo cute. I wonder when will they get married..

"Have a safe flight guys, my flight is actually after lunch." Adam said as he waved goodbye and hopped into his car.

"Bye Adam!" The three of us said simultaneously.

"So kiddo, leaving again?" Dad stepped out of the house. I nodded and gave him a hug.

"Bye papa." I kissed him on the cheek and said my goodbyes to my other relatives.

"Be sure to watch the movie guys!" I said as we entered the cab.


~Time Skip to plane brought to you by Adam's lunch~

"This flight is gonna be rather long. 4 hours." Theia said as she checked the flight information on her TV screen. (the one attached to the seat infront of you Idk what it's called :PP)

"I downloaded a lot of music for the plane ride." Bri held up her iPod.

Theia brought out her iPad and stopped talking.

"I'll just watch a movie then.." I tapped on the movie selection tab in the TV. I scrolled down, trying to find a nice movie that fits to my liking. I was in the mood for romcom. I just sighed, disappointed that I wasn't able to find a nice movie. So I brought out my laptop and placed it on airplane mode. I began to go to my movies folder and searched for a movie I haven't watched yet in a long time. 'Finally. I found one.' I decided to watch The Last Song. I read the book written by Nicholas Sparks, but I haven't watched the movie so yeah..

After what seemed to be an hour, the movie ended. To be honest, I cried while the other people on this plane were sound asleep. Yes, the crew decided to turn off the lights for them to sleep until we arrived. It was 4:00 when we boarded and it was early in the morning. Going back to the movie, it was so..moving. The boyfriend kept something from his girlfriend. Which led to an argument and them breaking up. It's sad how the girlfriend's dad dies because of a disease. I imagined my dad in that state, which made it more sad.

The lights turn back on and every passenger on the plane woke up. It was time for breakfast.

The smells of scrambled eggs and bacon filled the plane. The flight attendants went back and forth serving each passenger their food. When it was our turn, the flight attendant walked to our seat with the pushcart.

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