~*Chapter 4*~

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~The Next Day~

The sun peeked in from the glass door leading to my balcony. The curtain's gaps let in some sunlight in the room. As soon as the light tapped my face, my eyes started to open slowly. I sat up and checked my watch. Time is 8:00 in the morning.

"Party is today.." I yawned and stood up.

I did my usual morning hygiene routine and headed downstairs. Bri and Theia were there sitting on the counter table. Theia prepared some blueberry pancakes and brought out some yogurt that we bought yesterday in the supermarket after bringing Bri to her interview. I grabbed a banana from the fruit basket to be healthy.

After breakfast, I went over to my study to look over what my good friend Chris sent over to my house. Chris Lancaster is the director of the movie I'll be working on. He told me that he'll be having the party at my house to introduce the new movie to those who'll star in the movie, the crew, and alot more people in show biz. If you were asking why the party would be in my house, it's cause the old venue wasn't available and the venue told us kinda late that it wasn't available. So Chris just moved the party to my house. I'm also allowed to invite more people. I invited Bri and Theia of course, my old friends back in highschool like Mina and her husband Eric, Sammy, Andrea, Alison and her boyfriend Diego. Going back to what Chris sent me, those were documents about the party (catering, entertainment etc).

So far, I received a message saying that the preparations will soon arrive at the house. I decided to help with the completion of everything. If everything arrived without fail. Chris doesn't know about me helping and making sure though. He told me not to stress myself out too much and just focus on how I'll look tonight. Honestly, he could be my second dad.

I checked my watch, it was 10 in the morning. I decided to go shopping after hitting the gym. I grabbed my phone, earphones, a bottle of water, some hair ties, and a small towel to wipe off sweat. I changed into a sports bra with matching shorts. Slipped on a pair of black Nike athletic shoes, and headed out. I hopped into my car, turning on the ignition. I drove out of my garage and proceeded to the nearby gym. It was quite farther than I expected. I had to go down to the beachfront. There weren't that much people as well, they're probably at work.

When I arrived at the gym, I parked the car in the parking lot and entered the building. It was just an ordinary gym, nothing special about it. Some celebrities go here but you won't know it's them since they disguise themselves as normal people. A faint smell of sweat filled the air-conditioned atmosphere and the sight of muscular men and women made it feel like it's really a gym. It is, anyway. I started with the treadmill, starting with walking to work on my thighs then running later on. I basically did my gym routine.

While I was doing some pull ups, my phone rang. I grabbed my water bottle and drank first before answering it.

I placed my water bottle down beside me and picked up my phone, "Hello?"

"Ms. Wilson, the catering service has arrived." My manager, Manuel, said on the phone.

"Okay, I'll be there Manuel." I ended the call and placed my phone in my bag. I gathered my stuff and went out. I climbed into the car and drove away back home. While I was going home, I passed by a few shops with nice clothes in it. 'Maybe I should go there later..' I thought.

When I reached the house, a lot of people were carrying tables to the back. Mr. Lancaster was in charge of design and everything else while I'm in charge of knowing when everything is complete and to see if something is missing. So far, the buffet and entertainment is in it's place. What's left are the tables. They placed wooden floors under the grass, and over everything was a white canopy tent with a chandelier provided by Mr. Lancaster. It's amazing how these people are quick with these kinds of stuff.

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