~*Chapter 9*~

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Izzy's POV

"U-uh what are you doing?" I asked. Luckily I was still sober. I wanted to run, but he blocked the door.

"What are you gonna do?" I said, almost yelling. I knew what was going on. He swiftly covered my mouth with a gag.

"Don't speak unless I say so." He dragged me to the bed. I wasn't able to scream. He tied my hands on the headboard using a long cloth.

'I'm gonna be raped.' I thought as I cried.

I was on the verge of tears. I kept making a noise hoping someone would hear me. However, the guy didn't like this.

" I guess I'm the lucky guy." He said evilly.

Then I wasn't able to see anymore. A hankerchief with chlorofoam was placed on my nose, letting my nose inhale the chemical.

I blacked out.


While I was casually walking around, I heard a muffled screams outside one of the rooms. I recognized that voice. That was Bella.

I followed the voices around, checking each door. Until I came upon Room 684. I quickly opened the door and what I was seeing was horror. Bella was about to be raped.

"Oi What are you doing here! we're busy!" The rapist said as he continued giving her hickeys.

"DON'T TOUCH HER" I ran to the guy and punched him in the face multiple times. To think that he traumatized Bella is by far the worst thing ever. There for he should pay. I kicked him in the stomach. I punched him until he started to bleed. He fainted on the floor.

"Bella, are you okay?" I cupped her face. She was pale, her lips were dry, and she had trails on tears on her face. But her heart was still beating.

I put her clothes on again, grabbed her purse and shoes, and carried her to the parking. I placed her in my car and drove home. She was still knocked out...


Bri's POV

"Hey, has anyone seen Izzy?" Theia asked, worriedly as she scanned the place looking for her. I started to panic. They looked everywhere for her, but she wasn't there. The limo never left the parking lot. It was still early too. It was 9PM.

What if she was kidnapped? I started to worry. My eyes watered. Theia and Adam started to comfort me. "She'll be alright, wherever she is." Adam looked worried as well.

"Come on, let's go find her."

We searched everywhere. Every floor. Every corner. Everywhere. Still no sign of her. Until we came upon one of her possessions. A perfume bottle with her name engraved on it on Floor 29.

"She would never drop that. Anywhere. It would always stay inside her bag, inside a special pouch." Theia spoke as she held the bottle in her hands.

I started to panic even more, knowing that my bestfriend and a part of me is missing.

We called the driver of Izzy's limo to wait at the red carpet spot thingy. Surprisingly, the paparrazi was still there. We walked down again, this time trying to avoid them. Except for one..


"Oh my, I'm so sorry sir." A news reporter said. "Wait.. are you.. Adam Cranshaw? the most followed male person on Instagram, and the author of the book Talents?" The news reporter was literally star-struck. But they're in the media, they always encounter celebs. But not this one.

"OH MY GOD IT'S ADAM CRANSHAW GET THE CAMERA GOING DOUG!" She exclaimed as she got her mic.

I narrowed my eyes at them. We were wasting time.

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