~*Chapter 24*~

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Ryan's POV

An hour later, all of them started to arrive, one by one.

"Izzy!" cried Bri. She immediately brought her into a hug. "Oops the flowers might get crushed." She placed the bouquet she bought with the other flower's Izzy has received. "Do you still remember me? Oh my gosh."

"Yes, Bri. I won't forget you." Izzy patted her head as if Bri was her sister.

"Riceplant-chan!" cried Theia. Riceplant-chan? what..?

"Sweggily Funny Yao Ming!" Izzy replied, opening her arms to hug Theia. People and their nicknames..

Suddenly, there were loud voices coming from the hospital hallways. Mostly, girl voices. Adam came inside, closing the door behind him to keep his fans outside. He had kiss marks all over his face and his jeans were ripped. Poor Adam.

"Woah, Adam. What happened to you?" I said, as I placed a hand on his shoulder.

"The nurses went crazy and chased me around the hospital."

"Poor Adam." Izzy chuckled.

"Momma!" Adam exclaimed like a redneck as he approached the hospital bed and sat beside Theia. "You're awake!"

Izzy took a sip out of her cup noodles and nodded. "I still don't know what happened to me."

Izzy put her noodles down on the table next to her and got up. She flinched in pain. I immediately came to her and caught her before she fell. I laid her back on the hospital bed. This girl is really fragile now, as if she was like a snowflake. A snowflake that's in Autumn.

"Whoops, I guess my legs aren't awake yet." she patted both of her legs and pulled the covers.

"Just rest first."

Suddenly, the door busted open. Micheal stood there, panting. He turned to Izzy and ran to her.

"Y-you're awake." He couldn't believe it.

Micheal sat down and gently grabbed Izzy's hand. Izzy smiled at him and patted his head.

"Silly Mikey." She chuckled.

I was expecting him to say something. Say something about his love for Izzy. I waited for him to confess. To tell her his love for her. However, it didn't happen. He kept quiet while the others spoke to Izzy.


Izzy's POV

There was a cheery atmosphere here in this hospital room. Everyone had a smile on their face and they seemed like they were having fun. Adam, Theia, Bri and Micheal were talking about what happened these past few months. However, they weren't telling me what happened to me. Only them.

"So Adam released his new single called Hard To Remember." Bri said. "Kevin and I just had our 6 monthsary, and Theia got promoted."

My eyes grew wide as I turned to Theia who was eating a bag of potato chips.

"I'm the head photographer now." Theia popped a chip inside her mouth.

"And Adam," I turned to Adam. "I wanna listen to your new song."

"Okiedokie!" he said as he gave me a pair of earphones and handed me his phone.

"Woah.. cool!" I complimented as I bobbed my head left and right in sync with the beats. This song is catchy though. I found myself humming to it.

Adam smiled proudly as I handed him back his phone and earphones.

I faced Bri, who was staring out the window, thinking of something very deeply.

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