~*Chapter 48*~

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Michael's POV

I saw something that I wasn't supposed to see. Just that image replaying in my mind every. Single. Time.. I don't even know any more.

I was just passing by since I left my sunglasses on the chair I was sitting on earlier. Until I heard noises coming from an open door. I was curious to who it was, in fact, I thought Ryan brought home an italian girl. But it wasn't.

It was Izzy.

It as at that moment that I felt my heart tearing into pieces. Little by little I felt jealousy bubble inside of me that I stormed out and took a deep breath outside the villa for awhile. I sat down just by the door, doing nothing but stare into the open.

"I love you," Those words that came out of that bastard's mouth..Are they back together now or something?!

I can't believe.

I can't believe I thought I had a chance.

I walked towards the kitchen hoping that there was still leftover pizza, drying my hair at the same time. I just came out of the shower after all. I thought it would at least get my mind off of things. When I opened the fridge, the leftover pizza slice that I saved just for myself was gone. How sad, I'm pretty sure I saw it there before I took a shower.

I sighed, securing my the towel around my waist since it was getting a little loose. "Ugh, who ate my pizza.."

All of a sudden, I heard laughing coming from the living room. Wait, I'm pretty sure I'm the only one in this house right now. Didn't Ryan and Izzy go to the party? tch.. together..

The sounds became louder, with a loud thump. Something just fell down..

I grabbed a frying pan, using it to protect myself from whatever's in there. I took a deep breath, making the sign of the cross as well. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. Soon, I was closer to the living door frame.


I opened my eyes only to see Izzy lazing down on the couch, wearing nothing but underwear and a large tank top. She looked at me wide-eyed.

And both of us screamed.


Ryan's POV

I was shocked. I couldn't move. I couldn't process out what I can feeling right now. I couldn't.. react.

I'm a father?

"Bri.. I don't know what to say.." I told her as I continued to soothe her. Bri was still sobbing, her head pressed against my chest. By now I can already feel my shirt soaking from her tears. I've never seen Bri like this. Her loose shoulders shook, her hands clutching on the back of my shirt, making no attempt to conceal or even wipe away her own tears.

She looked at me like her whole life was ruined. "W-what would happen to my career.. nobody would want me anymore.." She whimpered.

And just like that, I cradled her chin and brought it up so it could meet my face. I gave her a reassuring smile to at least calm her down. And it did. "Bri, it's okay.. stop crying now.."

"You won't get mad at me?" She replied with a sniffle.

"Why would I be?"

"I'm just... so scared.. about my career and your image. This is gonna be a huge scandal.."

I paused to think. "Well, I'll think of something good. My manager will help-"

"Ryan, I don't want anybody else to know." Bri looked at me with a worried expression.

I sighed, bringing her into my arms again. By now, she stopped crying. I could feel her heart beat so fast. When she completely calmed down, she washed her face and changed her expression to a more happy one like I what I asked her to do and both of us made our way out and back into the small party.

"WOOOOOOOOOOOO" Screamed Hailey as she dove into the pool. "OH WAIT I DON'T KNOW HOW TO SWIM"

"Fear not, blonde one!" Theia shouted as she dove into the pool.

Adam appeared out of nowhere, which scared the heck out of me. "SAVE THE DOLPHIN THEIA!"

Are they all drunk? ugh, Chris.. he's the oldest one here and he isn't watching everyone-




Chris passed out on the picnic table, his rooster just next to him. Both of them were sleeping.. er spooning. I swear, everything was normal awhile ago. How long were we gone? This is crazy..

"CANONBALL" Adam said before splashing into the pool. "Ryan, Bri, you should join us too!"

Fuck it.

I took off my shirt, revealing my well-toned body to everyone. I looked at Bri and winked at her before backflipping into the pool.

~Time skip~

Adam's POV

And soon, the party came into an end. All of them decided to hit the hay while Ryan and I stayed outside for awhile.

"Dude, are you trying to get drunk? that's your sixth shot glass.." I said, concerned.

"I don't fucking care.. hahaha" Yep, he's drunk.

All of a sudden, he got out a packet of cigarettes and got one out. With his lighter, he lit the cigarette and brought it to his lips. "Ryan, you smoke?!"

"Yeah, is there a problem?" Oh my god, I never knew this. "You should try it," He said, handing me a cigarette and lighting it. The awful smelling cigarette smoke eddied coolly down my throat; I coughed it out knowing that I couldn't handle it.

Ryan laughed just across me. "It's alright, you'll get used to it."

I shook my head at him as I brought it up to my lips once again. Suddenly, he sighed, leaning his back onto his chair as he crossed his legs. "Ohhhhh god.. I can't believe I'm a father.."


"What?" I said, rather shocked. He let out a chuckle and in a serious face rested his elbows on top of the table. "Yeah, I knocked her up."


He looked at me, wobbly and all. "I don't know.. I don't want to tell you."

Fucking hell.

"I won't tell anyone, dude." I said, bringing my hands up in the air. All of a sudden, he stood up and placed his arm above my shoulder. He leaned in closer to my ear and whispered,



No wonder Bri was crying. Well, I saw them both at the terrace and Ryan brought her into an embrace. IS THIS SOME SECRET RELATIONSHIP THAT I WASN'T SUPPOSED TO KNOW ABOUT?! DOES THEIA KNOW? DOES HAILEY KNOW? this makes me sad a little. Can I be trusted?

I saw them both, Bri was crying on his chest as Ryan wrapped his arms around her trying to calm her down. I was so confused, what was happening? So I went closer and then I heard.

"I'm just... so scared.. about my career and your image. This is gonna be a huge scandal.."

No wonder Bri was acting all weird.

"Promise you really won't tell anyone Adam?" Ryan said, making me wake up from my little flashback. I nodded as he got his hand off of me and went back to his chair.

He then passed out.


A/N: Oh my god.

ANYWAY ON WITH THE NEXT CHAPTER (im shook and I wrote this)

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