~*Chapter 53*~

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Bri's POV

Water dripped down harshly past my shoulders, through my chestnut-colored hair, and continuing over my growing stomach. It expanded out a little to prove that another being resided within me. Two heartbeats within one stout body.

I sighed, slowly caressing the small bump. It was starting to get really obvious, it scares me a little. What would my employers think? Let alone the whole world?

If they knew it was his baby..

I turned the shower knob down, turning it off. The water trickled down the sides of my body and made it's way down the drain. I got my towel and wrapped it around myself. I did my usual skincare routine and made my way out and into the closet where I placed all of the clothes I brought with me here.

I placed on some black sweatpants and a red shirt that said "thanks for nothing" which I borrowed from Izzy. After, I slumped myself on the couch, grabbed a pillow and placed it behind my head.

At that moment, I felt like my eyes were slowly closing as I try to fall asleep.

But all of a sudden, the door opened making me fall off the couch. "Jesus, please don't scare me like that.." I said as I groaned, rubbing the back of my head.

"Oh, haha sorry.." Ryan's half naked figure stood proudly, his toned abs had droplets of water dripping down. Guess he took a shower too. "Hey, the appointment's at 1 better get dressed already,"

Oh right, the appointment. I almost forgot.

"O-oh okay."

Izzy's POV

It felt as if we arrived here just yesterday. Jeez, time flies too fast. Today, we go home. All of us will go our own ways.

"Izzy! Do you have a curling iron I could borrow?" Asked Theia from the bathroom.

"Yeah, it's in my suitcase," I replied, opening my suitcase and taking out the curling iron Theia asked.

I just finished packing my bags when I received a text from Michael. Instantly, I felt my heart skip a beat as I instantly saw his message. "Hey, have a safe flight! See you in LA babe ;)"

Inside, I exploded.

And just like that, I replied "I don't wanna leave you yet. I wanna stay here with you longer.. "

"It's alright, we'll be seeing each other later. How about I treat you to some In n out once I get back there?" He responded immediately.

"With animal fries? then it's a deal lol" I texted, placing my phone back in my pocket.

Once last check in the mirror and I was set. In an hour, I must be in the airport already. I fixed my hair, putting it on a low bun. I grabbed my favorite black hoodie which kept me warm inside the airplane. It was a gift from Bri for my birthday and I love it so much.

"You ready, Izzy?" Asked Manuel as I checked in on me.

"Yeah, I got all of my bags here with me."

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