~*Chapter 11*~

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Izzy's POV

I woke up to the sound of my phone beeping. I was too lazy to get it at first and I ended up missing a call. Chris probably wants me to rehearse my lines or report to work.

I just noticed that the rain hasn't stopped yet. But unlike yesterday, today's showers are not going to be too hard to drive in. I should probably go home. Theia, Bri, and Adam must be worried sick. But I should wait for Ryan since he has a car to bring me there. Besides, it's rude to leave someone's home without saying goodbye. I got up, yawned and stretched a little. Today's a rainy morning. A rainy Sunday. That reminded me of Maroon 5's song entitled "Sunday Morning".

"Sunday morning rain is falling..~" I sang a stanza as I looked for Ryan.

When I found him, he was laying on the couch, sleeping like a baby.

I watched him sleep a little. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps. 'Oh god, I'm such a creep.' I thought as I fiddled with his nose. His eyes started to open. 'Oh crap!' I jolted up and fell on my butt.


"What are you doing?" He sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"N-nothing." I replied. He just shrugged.

We both walked to the kitchen to eat breakfast. He brought up 2 cups of Espresso over to the counter and 2 bowls.

"Rice Crunchies or Cold Flakes?" He asked as he held up the cereal boxes.

"Uh, I'll have the Rice Crunchies."

"More Cold Flakes for me then,"he said as he placed some Rice Crunchies on my bowl and poured some milk.

"I'm glad we're friends again." I turned to meet his face. He simply smiled.

"I'm glad, too,"

"So, no more sassy Izzy?" This was the first time he called me Izzy. Literally. Going back to what he said, was I really sassy towards him? Then I remembered our first encounter weeks ago.

I let out a laugh and ruffled his hair. "You wish."

My phone rang suddenly. There must be service now. Oh thank god, I didn't receive calls from yesterday because of the storm. My ringtone played Dangerous Woman by Ariana Grande as I digged into my bag.

*Dangerous Woman plays as ringtone*

I had 64 missed calls ever since Friday. 'Wow, I stayed in this house for 2 days already.'

"Hello?" I answered the phone.

"OH MY GOD, WE TRIED TO CALL YOU EVER SINCE FRIDAY NIGHT AND YESTERDAY! WHERE WERE YOU?" Adam, Bri and Theia ranted on the phone. "WE WERE WORRIED SICK!" They sounded mad. They started to sound like my mom, Nadine and Peter for a moment there.

"U-uh long story actually.." My voice sounded a bit awkward after saying that.

"Tell us where you are" They all sounded like the FBI. "Now."

"Uh, what's your house's address?" I tapped Ryan's shoulder. He whispered it into my ear and continued drinking his cup of coffee.

"Well, it's in 118 Hillcrest Dr, Beverly Hills."

"Okay. We'l be there in 20 minutes."

"I'll take a shower first then."


Adam's POV

"You guys ready?" I called from downstairs. I looked out of the windows, it was still raining.

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