~* Chapter 33*~

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Izzy's POV

The morning fades in like a scene from bad theatre production. The cast stomp about, slam doors and project their voices as far as their lips, then sulk because no-one replied. It would be funny if this same play wasn't repeated every morning at 7 am. But it does, and I have a bit-part to play with no lines. All I need to do is eat breakfast, wash up, and go.

I didn't want to get up from bed, I didn't want to get out of it's warmth. But I had to anyway and as I groggily propped myself up to open the blinds, there came a knock on the door. 'Who could that be' I asked myself as I slipped on my favorite panda slippers and robe.

When I opened the door, there was nobody. 'wow morning ghosts'


I turned around to see.. Krampus?! WOAH WAIT WHAT THE FUCK


I screamed and hid myself in the bathroom. I looked for something that could protect me and ended up with my eyebrow razor. Fear bubbled up inside of me as I breathed heavily. Was I dreaming? is this a nightmare? WAKE ME UP NOW PLEASE

"Here it goes,"


It stopped. Literally, it stopped moving. Suddenly, it burst out laughing. "What the fuck," I mouthed.

Krampus walked towards me slowly as I stood still. It took off his head (which looked down right disturbing) and revealed a grinning Theia.




After that Krampus prank with Theia, I decided to jog for a bit. I guess I needed to take my mind off things, especially forget that krampus scare that I know will haunt my dreams tonight. Oh well. As soon as I stepped outside of the house, I breathed in the cool fresh mountain air to calm my nerves. It was cold, yes, but it didn't bother me. I did a little stretching first before everything else and when I was ready, I walked around first then starting jogging. I pretty much didn't care less on where I was going, but I'm pretty sure I'm on a dirt trail probably surrounding the frozen lake. Once I jog around this lake, I'll be done.

I found myself gazing at the winter trees who stand amid twisting roots that writhe until each disappears into the frozen soil. Rough bark glistens with early morning frost, just enough to whiten the raised ridges. Dark cracks lie in the bark like scars, yet each woody crevice only serves to make them all the more bewitching.

Sweat trailed down the sides of my face and down my back. Right now, it felt like that sweat would freeze any moment. From my backside, it probably drew a map of some sort. A map of sweat. I wiped it off with a clean towel and continued jogging. For the next 15 minutes, I was half way around the lake. 'Almost done,' I panted.

While I was jogging, I could see someone running from afar. 'Another jogger?' I thought as I brought up my hand to wave.

'Wait, isn't that Ryan? I guess he's jogging too,"

I started slowing down, catching my breath as I continued to walk. I checked my phone, to receive a few messages from mom and dad, Nadine and a few friends saying their Christmas greetings. 'Well, I guess I'll text them later. There's no signal here.'

I placed my phone inside the pocket of my jacket and continued to run.

When I finally reached the house, Ryan was there before me, wiping off his sweat. He focused his attention to me as I sat down next to him on the porch of Chris' log cabin. "Went for a run too?"

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