~*Chapter 32*~

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Michael's POV

It took us quite awhile before we were able to reach Chris' private log cabin in Colorado. We were on the road for 14 hours (with bathroom breaks) and boy, my legs were killing me. For almost the whole duration of the trip, it felt like my blood were just pooling around in my legs. Plus it was pretty cramped. Izzy decided to bring Theia, Bri and Adam along. And of course, Ryan called dibs before me to drive the car. Theia stayed shotgun while Adam, Izzy and I were at the back seats.

As soon as we arrived in Chris' private property up in Mountain Village, I was in awe. His vacation house is huge. It's nestled right next to a frozen lake and a forest which makes me feel like I'm in a remote location. When we got inside, it looked way bigger than what it looks like outside. Chris took us all on a short house tour (it took us an hour really) ate dinner and then later proceeded to our rooms.

I shoved myself onto my bed, nestling my face onto the pillow. 'It's been a long day' I thought as I grabbed my phone from my jacket's pocket and started going on instagram. I rarely go on instagram, but right now I was bored and I didn't feel like getting up. As I scrolled down, I saw Izzy's post. It was a picture of her in a red sweater with antlers on her head. It looked like she was on one of the cabin's balconies, perhaps her room has one. In the caption it read, "Seasonal Greetings! (c) Adam Cranshaw"

I couldn't help but notice how cute she is in the photo. She's just.. so cute. I sighed, still smiling helplessly until I accidentally liked her photo.


Suddenly, a knock came from the wall behind me and at the same time, my phone beeped. Curious, I checked my messages to see a message from Izzy.


Izzy Willy 👽

Izzy: You okay? Don't tell me you knocked over a lamp again 😂



Me: tch whatever

Izzy: Seriously though, you okay? I'm literally in the room next to yours


'Oh shit' I thought. I moved towards the wall behind me and knocked a few times just to be sure. Seconds later, I heard it knock again. 'She's right then.'


Izzy Willy 👽

Me: lol nothing really

Izzy: Liar

Me: Truther

Izzy: Wtf is that even a real word


We talked for hours, mainly about catching up on life and stuff. It felt like the best hours of my life really. The talk was littered with smiles, the real communication, not the words. We talked about regular things, maybe a little memes and deep topics about things. Izzy was there to listen, and I was there for her to listen. It felt like the old days really.

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