~*Chapter 56: Finale Part 2*~

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"Miss me, Izzy?" She smirked, patting my head softly. Her heels clicked against the cold floor as she walked infront of me, her black dress trailing behind her.

Everything started to make sense now. Her threat during the interview, the abductions.. everything. All this time, I thought Diego was behind it, but he was a mere puppet under her command.

"To think that someone could be so deranged.." I muttered under my breath once again. "Just why...why do you want to kill me so much?"

Tia let out a chuckle. "I eyed him first."

"W-what do you mean?" I replied.

"Remember highschool? Don't tell me you, of all people, do not remember?" She cocked her head back and smirked. She circled me slowly as my face remains down. "Well, then. Must I tell the tale?"


Ryan and I, we grew up together. The same neighborhood, the same street. His house was just right across mine. Our families were close. We would often go to their annual garden parties and Christmas dinners; every social event. The Davidson family was always part as my father Paul Davidson and Ryan's dad were not only business partners, but life-long friends.

One evening, at a dinner party with the two families together, my dad spoke up.

"Good evening, everyone. Both of our families have come to an agreement. As you all know, I shall soon pass the company to my eldest son, Ryan. And in order to keep our partnership, our families have come into an agreement. That is, the engagement of my son and my future daughter-in-law, Tatiana!!"

Ryan's father held his glass of champagne to a toast. I peered over at Ryan, who was on the other side of the table, in shock. He didn't look too happy, but rather disappointed.

And I knew he would be anyway. He was with you of course. He only loved you.

All of a sudden, he pounded against the table. "Father, you can't do this.."

"Son, we've talked about this before.."

"I didn't agree, I told you that" he exclaimed.

He stormed off, leaving us all in silence. His father excused himself and made his way towards the study, hearing his muffled curse words.

Days have passed by, and I started to wonder if that man has ever told you about the engagement, but after the little scene I made, things made sense.

Your boyfriend closed all connections to our family, and of course I got worried so, I payed him a little visit that afternoon.

I went to his room with some cookies I've baked and proceeded to sit beside him. His hair swept to the side, clean as he just came from the shower. The towel slung over his shoulders as he continued to text you.

He seemed really happy to text you, and it made me sick. Very sick. He was so in-love with you that he didn't push through with the engagement. But I wanted to. I've loved him longer than you at least. It just should've been me!

So it was at that moment I knew, I had to change that. And then I saw that you were coming; what a perfect opportunity. When you arrived, that was when I cupped his cheek and moved closer to his lips. He tried to push me away, but I kept going back.

"Stop, Tia," he said in a serious manner.

"But you'll have fun, Izzy won't know," I said as I unhooked my bra.

"Crazy bitch, get off me-" attacking his lips once more, the door suddenly opened.

And look who stood their in awe? It was none other than the other half of the power couple, Isabella Wilson. The look on your face was so priceless!

That was that. You left, you broke up with him. And it was then I thought, he was finally mine.


"Until your ass showed up again after what seemed to be years." Tia dropped the cigarette, crushing it with her heel.

Heavily breathing, I looked up to her.

"You took him from me again, you whore..."She gripped something from behind her. "You'll pay this time..." she started to laugh maniacally.


All of a sudden, I felt a sharp pain on the sides of my waist. My vision started getting blurry, and then..

It went black.






By only four words, one could already describe the scene. The FBI and police stormed in, cornering the criminals and Izzy's abductors.
Michael, along with the gang, stormed into the warehouse doors only to find Izzy's unconscious body, bleeding to death.

"Izzy.. NOOO!!" Michael rushed towards her, his eyes tainted with tears. "You'll be okay, please wake up" he cradled her in his arms.

Ryan followed behind along with the others. But when he saw Izzy, he darted to her immediately. He knelt infront of Izzy, tears welling up in his eyes. "Get the paramedics!!" He screamed as he covered the wound to stop the bleeding.

They checked the pulse, and there was none. "SOMEONE GET THE FUCKING PARAMEDICS" Adam screamed as Bri and Theia started to panic.

All of a sudden, something caught Theia's eye in a distance."WAIT THERES A SNIPER-"



A/N: yes hello, I know this is short and wow cliffhanger, but I'll really miss writing this sooo making the finale into three parts HAHAHAHHA

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