~*Chapter 22*~

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Izzy's POV

I couldn't move. I couldn't see anything. Everything was black. I couldn't feel my feet or hands, and the only thing I could hear was my heartbeat. What happened to me.. am I dreaming?

Suddenly, an array of light appeared in front of me. There was a bench, a street light, and 2 people. One was comforting the other while he was moping. I realized that this wasn't those new dreams, this is a memory. It was where I had my first kiss. Michael stole it before Ryan could. Michael looked up, then suddenly, stars appeared up the sky. He turned to me and kissed me on the spot. I looked so surprised there. My face was saying, "What is my bestfriend doing?"

Suddenly, something was looking at us from a far. A guy with glasses and a bag. He looked angry, like at any second from now, he would've killed Michael on the spot.

Then I remembered something.

"I was there. I was there when you kissed Michael."

That was what Diego said.

The scene changes

I was in my favorite spot in town. The bench which over looked the beaches. The one that was on a cliff. This was where Ryan told me to be his girlfriend. My face blushed 50 shades of red as he kneeled down like a cliche man would if he was going to ask someone to be his girlfriend. I looked so happy here. We shared a kiss while the sun slowly went down.

Then there was the same guy standing there from a distance. This time, he had no more glasses and he was holding a bouquet of flowers in his hands. He was clutching on it too hard that some of the flowers started to break. He whispered something inaudible; I didn't know what it was. Then he ranaway, leaving the flowers on the road.

"I was there, when Ryan asked you to be his girlfriend."

Another one of Diego's words lingered.

The scene changes again.

I was on the beach, holding a Frisbee in my left hand as I helped someone get up. That someone was... Ryan. Behind him, there was a guy. Probably his friend or something. He stared back at me, with a smirk plastered on his face. Then I realized, that friend Ryan was with on that day that Ryan and I met..

That was Diego.

"I was there when you and Ryan met."

Indeed he was.

Suddenly, everything blacked out once more. It was nothing but darkness.

Nothing but emptiness.


Ryan's POV

"Oh my god!" Izzy's mom rushed to her daughter. Since Izzy's in a coma, the doctor said that it would take awhile for her to wake up. Up to two weeks, said the doctor, and it's already been one week. Her mother was on her side, crying. Her father was there, standing in the doorway. He couldn't believe what happened to her. And yet again for him, seeing her in this condition is heartbreaking for a father that loves his daughter so much. Nadine, Izzy's younger sister, was crying with her mother.

I called her parents 3 nights ago before I left the hospital. I told them everything. So they took the next flight to Los Angeles.

All of us were here. Bri, Adam, Theia, Kevin, Mina, Eric, Michael and I. We were all here visiting Izzy.

"Thank you for saving her." Izzy's dad told me and gave me a big hug.

"You're welcome, sir." I replied.

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