~*Chapter 38*~

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Bri's POV

Slowly and reluctantly, I uncover my face. I blink, close my eyes, and blink again. Streaks of sunlight penetrate the window and blind me. I didn't want to get out yet, it felt too comfy here. All of a sudden, I felt an arm wrap around my waist.

Just like that I froze. Where was I? I don't really remember much from last night... wait..

I turned to the other side and met with Ryan's sleeping face.



With his teeth, he slid off my black lace underwear and unclasped my bra. His head moves around to my left ear and he whispers what's coming next.




well, shit.

"It's early in the morning.. jeez.." He groaned as he turned to the other side. It wasn't even over 5 seconds before he sat up and looked at me with shocked eyes. "Wait what are you doing here?!"

"I guess we must've.. um did it.." Bri said, shyly. "I got so drunk, I don't really remember much.."

"Well, shit." He sighed. "SHIT, SHIT, SHIT"

"Woah, dude chill." I said, bringing my hands up.

"I'm so sorry, Bri.." He said, placing his hand up behind his neck.

I looked at him with forgiving eyes. He didn't mean for that to happen. None of us expected it. But it was okay. I didn't I really care about losing my innocence. Nor did I care about who would. It didn't really matter much to me.

"It's alright, really.." I said, picking up his shirt. "Can I borrow this?"

"Oh, sure."

Ryan insisted that before I go, I would at least have breakfast first. It was the least he could do. He called up room service, getting two orders of eggs benedict because they said it's their best seller. As soon as it arrived, it's wonderful aroma lured me from the bedroom to the dining table. I sat down, eyeing the poached eggs and hollandaise sauce drenched over it. As soon as I took a bite, the taste of the eggs and the york-style rugged ham under it was like heaven. The bread wasn't soggy, but crispy like it should be. And the hollandaise was hella good.

Well, Eggs benedict is my all-time favorite for breakfast.

"You looked like you enjoyed that," Ryan smirked.

"It's my favorite," I said, sipping my cup of coffee.

After some time, it was time for me to go. Ryan created a plan so I could escape without being bothered. So he told me to dress up into some large grey shirt and lent me his hotel slippers. When I was ready, I dashed outside his room without making a single noise and arrived at my room safely.

But before I left he whispered in my ear. "This is a secret between us alright?"


Izzy's POV

"I've been meaning to tell you something for a while now.."

What was it? Those words echoed in my mind. I couldn't seem to sleep because of it and now, as I slumped myself up with sleepy eyes, even until now I still think of it. For some strange reason, my mind's making up all these crazy ideas. Like what if he was ready to confess about that time he stole my toothbrush, which I kinda already knew. And I even thought about what to say if he was going to say that. But then chances are that won't be the scenario.

Also, there was another reason why I couldn't sleep last night. For some reason, that scene where Michael pulls me by the waist closer to him. It almost felt like time stopped when it happened. I know it was just a joke but.. I just couldn't forget about it some how.

I sipped on my coffee, the caffeine instantly waking me up.

All of a sudden, my phone rang. It was Manuel, my manager.

"Yo waddup?" He said as soon as I picked up the phone. "How's the New Year's Party?"

"It was amazing,"

"Well that's good to hear, Anyway, I got a call from Vera,"

"Oh, what did she say?" I replied, placing another lump of sugar in my coffee.

"She needs your exact measurements for the wedding dress, and asap, you know she's a busy woman and you don't really want to be late,"

"Wedding dress for what? the wedding scene?"

"Yup, the wedding scene in Italy," He chuckled. "So it's best if you would leave that hotel asap."

"What? what time is this meeting?"

"2 hours from now, so at 1 PM,"


"Chill, Izzy-kins. I'm sending Cory to pick you up,"

"Cory, as in, Cory your private jet?" I asked, suddenly excited because I like traveling in the sky.

"Yup, and be ready, I already sent someone to pick you up from the hotel," He added. "They'll be there in 30 minutes.

"Well okay, I'll go take a shower now. Thanks Manuel!" I hung up first, gathering all of my soiled clothes and stuffing them into the suitcase I brought with me.

~Time skip~

"Miss Wilson?" Someone knocked on the door, I opened it and saw that it was just Fred, my chauffeur for today. Behind him were 2 guys, one blond and the other with red hair. I guess they're my bodyguards. "The limo's outside,"

"Alright, I'm ready." I said, pulling my suitcase behind me as the three guys escorted me outside the hotel. As soon as I exited the hotel doors, I was greeted by a small crowd of paparazzi, taking and snapping some pictures that caught the attention of passerbys. I waved at them and shot kisses because why not. It's not everyday you get this type of attention.

Fred opened the door for me as I climbed inside the luxury sedan with my dog Gingersnap tagging along, as he jumped onto my lap.

When we arrived at the airport, the limo immediately brought me to the plane since I was already running out of time. As soon as I set foot inside the jet, I was greeted by the wide smile of the flight attendant that looked very familiar, like I've seen her before. "A pleasure being able to serve you again on this flight Miss Wilson,"

Oh right, that's the girl I saw before. She was in my flight when I moved to LA. "Oh hey, I remember you! It's Rhea right?"

"OH MY GOD ISABELLA WILSON REMEMBERS ME- I mean, yes Miss Wilson," she replied with a bow. "Let me show you to your seat since we'll be taking off soon,"

"Thanks Rhea!"

And soon, we were in the skies, on our way to Los Angeles. I peered out the window, the clouds moved constantly, flowing as sheets hundreds of feet apart. Yet it gave the appearance of one dense layer from the land below. The buildings were getting smaller and smaller, disappearing as he hid in the clouds.

It felt like I forgot something though.

Oh god.

I forgot to say goodbye to the others.


A/N: lol i still have my limbs intact. ON TO THE NEXT CHAPTER!

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