~*Chapter 52*~

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Although loneliness has always been a friend of mine
I'm leavin' my life in your hands
People say I'm crazy and that I am blind
Risking it all in a glance

His eyes were the colour of earth kissed by spring rains, the hue that promises to stir life from dormant seeds, the nascent plants guided upward by the light before blossoming into the vibrant colours of a new season.They glow with absolute seriousness, something I rarely saw in Michael.

And how you got me blind is still a mystery
I can't get you out of my head
Don't care what is written in your history
As long as you're here with me

All of a sudden, he brought up my hand and placed it above his chest. His heart beat fast, as if it was going to jump out. I looked up at his face once more, seeing the faint pink hues across his cheeks. His eyes were no longer focused on mine, but somewhere else. Was he too embarrassed to look at me?

I don't care who you are
Where you're from
What you did
As long as you love me

"Izzy.." He said, focusing his gaze back on me. "Do you know what's causing this right now?"

I kept silent. I really didn't know what to say.

He sighed disappointedly, "It's you,"

Who you are
Where you're from
Don't care what you did
As long as you love me

I gasped, feeling my heartbeat intensify... every single pound in my chest. Not through my ears, that was occupied by the steady drum, pipe, and faint Italian music; drowning it out in the ears. But I couldn't lay there. I had to but I couldn't. This great pounding, this great pressure; every beat. I couldn't hear it, but I could feel it.

Every little thing that you have said and done
Feels like it's deep within me
Doesn't really matter if you're on the run
It seems like we're meant to be

I felt heat rise up to my cheeks as he continued to stare into my soul with those piercing eyes of his.

I don't care who you are
Where you're from
What you did
As long as you love me

Who you are
Where you're from
Don't care what you did
As long as you love me

"Sometimes my heart beats shallow, sometimes it beats so strong I think my chest will burst, but always it beats only for you. I finally admitted to myself what I knew all along, but was too afraid to admit it: I love you Izzy, I love you a lot.. I realized a long time ago but then I lost you to someone else.."

At this point, I didn't dare to move, nor talk. I was was frozen in my seat. My brain repeated those words over and over.

I've tried to hide it so that no one knows
But I guess it shows
When you look into my eyes
What you did and where you're comin from
I don't care, as long as you love me, baby

"Michael, I-"

"It's okay, I don't need to hear it." he said, cutting me off before standing up and leaving.

In an instant, my heart was trying to tell me something. My heartbeat so fast out of worry. It was like my mind and soul was telling him not to leave. Instinctively, I stood up and ran to him before it was too late.. and just like that, time felt like it was going slower and slower.

At that very moment, realization struck me like lightning.

I'm in love with him.

He never leaves my mind, he's always there; mentally if not physically. It's just incomprehensible. He's my one stable force, my one stability in a world filled with chaos and I so desperately need that in my life. I love him so much for that. I'm in love with him and I can't believe I've only just realised it.

This feeling is so strange; it stretches throughout my whole body. It's overwhelming, yet makes me feel complete. It has no bound nor length nor depth; it's just absolute. It feels as though I'm in a dangerous fire, yet I'm completely safe at the same time. It feels as though someone's given me peace. It feels as though my heart is dancing around my chest; and a hole, I was never aware was there, has been filled. I feel so light, like I'm on top of the world yet my heart is constricting and it feels as if there's no oxygen in my lungs.

It's strange - frightening even - how you can go from someone being a complete stranger, to then being completely infatuated by them and wondering how it ever was that you were able to live without them, because you sure as hell couldn't imagine being without them now. I know we're only young, and most people would consider me to be foolish and naïve, but it's true when I say that I love him more than I could ever love myself. He's my best friend and, as cheesy as it sounds, he's my anchor. My one stability in this world filled with chaos.

I hugged him from behind as tight as I could, nuzzling my head against his back. I turned him around for him to face me. He looked at me with a puzzled face, "Izzy what are you doing-"

"Shut up and kiss me,"

And just like that, I pulled him by the collar of his shirt and pressed my lips against his.


Bri's POV

"HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT-" Theia said before passing out.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING I WANNA KNOW" Adam said, standing on top of a plastic chair to see just above the wall in between us and Michbella.


The red-head fainted as well.

"This is so touching.. I do love a good romance movie," Hailey blew her nose on her handkerchief. "I feel so happy for them,"

"Me too," I said before crying my eyes out with Hailey.

"Mission accomplished."

All of a sudden, my phone rang. It was Ryan. "Yellow?"

"Hey, Bri. You have a doctor's appointment tomorrow before we leave."

"Oh yeah, right. Well, I gotta go then." I told him before dropping the call.

Time to see the baby tomorrow I guess.


A/N: Yo classes are suspended where I'm at so It's WYA Weekend again.

Anyway, GO CHECK OUT @yogurtuser101 's new book. Feel free to make requests too! It's really good yogurt.


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