~*Chapter 16*~

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A/N: Huehuehuehue last chapter was quite steamy. So we're gonna time-skip. Mainly because Wattpad might report me or something, and I still dunno how to write smut. I think. Anyway, LET THE CHAPTER START!

Btw here's the chapter song above


Once again, we are back in the underground room of the dark voice.

"Sir, she's in the Maldives.." A man with blonde hair and a scrawny voice reported, stepping into the light.

"And what is she doing there?" The dark voice replied in the shadows.

"...She's on vacation..sir.."

The dark voice paused for awhile. "When will she return to Los Angeles?"

"I-I don't exactly know sir-"

A smack echoed the room. "THEN GO FIND OUT!"

The scrawny voice left quickly in fear. Leaving the dark voice, laughing evilly.

"Oh my dear Izzy, I have a surprise for you. Just wait.. and see."


Mina's POV

My eyes fluttered open. As I tried to move, I felt soreness flow through every part of my body. Last night was crazy, yet pleasurable. And I enjoyed every second of it. I turned to the other side, Eric was sleeping beside me. I brushed his hair which was covering his face.

'He's so cute..'

I suddenly remembered the reason why we divorced in the first place. He didn't cheat on me, we just fought for a long time. Nights of endless shouting, the crying of our kids everytime we did fight. After what happened last night, it showed that he couldn't be angry at me forever. He still loves me after all. We fought because of a misunderstanding. And without thinking, we divorced.

I checked the time, it was still quite early. About 7 AM in the morning. I got up and placed my shirt and sleep shorts on from last night and went to check on Elise and Andrew. Elise was sleeping while Andrew was awake. He didn't cry or whatever, he just stared at the ceiling then stared at me. He smiled and wiggled around. I picked him up.

"Are you hungry, Andrew?" I asked him. A growl escaped his stomach making that as a yes. I giggled at the cute gesture.

I brought him downstairs to dining room and placed him on a highchair. I got my bag, went to find the baby food. Luckily I found it on one of the pockets.

I took out a small but generous amount of baby food on the bowl, and scooped some up, "Here comes the airplane!"

Andrew opened his mouth letting the food in. Suddenly my phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered it.

"Hey Mina!" Bri called from the other line.

"Oh, hey, Bri!"

"Director Chris said that we should all head to the waters ports area later at 9 AM," She paused. "We're going to go Island Hopping."

"Oh, cool." I commented as I placed another spoonful of baby food in Andrew's mouth.

"Okiedokie, I gotto go. See ya later!" She hung up.

I placed my phone on the table, and continued feeding Andrew.


Izzy's POV

I slowly opened my eyes. The sunlight blinded me a little, making me crawl back under the covers. I got my phone from my bedside table to check what time it is.

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